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Elisabeth Somp

Elisabeth Somp

Presskontakt Head of Media relations 08 677 50 10

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Picture from the movie Under The Naked Sky

These are the winners from Stockholm Film Festival Junior 2024

Stockholm Film Festival Junior is approaching the end of its festival week. The festival has shown films both physically and digitally with audiences all over the country. Today, this year's winners will be presented at an awards ceremony at the Bio Skandia in Stockholm.
This year the festival had 30 films from all over the world and, in addition to cinemas, screenings have taken place in schoo

Stockholms filmfestival

Stockholm International Film Festival | November 6 - 17 2024

Stockholm International Film Festival started in 1990 and is today one of the leading film festivals in Europe. The 2024 edition of the festival will include over 100 film premiers from all over the world. We also arrange Stockholm Film Festival Junior, Drive-in, Sommarbio, exclusive screenings and special events throughout the year.