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"Anora" opens the Stockholm International Film Festival 2024

"Anora" opens the Stockholm International Film Festival 2024

"Anora", directed by Sean Baker and winner of the Palme d'Or in Cannes, will premiere at this year's edition of the Stockholm Film Festival, November 6-17. The internationally acclaimed drama-comedy will be shown at Bio Skandia, November 6th.
A sex worker from Brooklyn, Anora, impulsively marries the son of a Russian oligarch. When his parents learn that their son has married, a campaign is lau

Stillbild från Sean Bakers Anora. Foto: Drew Daniels

"Anora" öppnar Stockholms internationella filmfestival 2024

Den uppmärksammade ”Anora”, regisserad av Sean Baker och vinnare av Guldpalmen i Cannes, blir först ut på årets upplaga av Stockholms filmfestival, 6-17 november. Den internationellt hyllade dramakomedin visas på Bio Skandia, 6 november.
En sexarbetare från Brooklyn, Anora, gifter sig impulsivt med sonen till en rysk oligark. När hans föräldrar får veta att sonen gift sig inleds en kampanj fö

Stockholms filmfestival

Stockholm International Film Festival | November 5-16 2025

Stockholm International Film Festival started in 1990 and is today one of the leading film festivals in Europe. The 2025 edition of the festival will include over 130 film premiers from all over the world. We also arrange Stockholm Film Festival Junior, Drive-in, Sommarbio, exclusive screenings and special events throughout the year.