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 Emil Beer, Joel Adolphson, och Victor Beer i IJustWantToBeCool tillsammans med regissören Alain Darborg

IJustWantToBeCool:s boksuccé Skurkarnas skurk blir film

Strive Stories och SF Studios gör film av "Skurkarnas skurk", baserad på Youtube-gruppen IJustWantToBeCools bästsäljande bokserie. Strive Stories producerar filmen i samproduktion med SF Studios och SVT. IJWTBC-medlemmarna Joel Adolphson, Emil Beer och Victor Beer kommer att medverka som skådespelare i "Skurkarnas skurk" som har förväntad biopremiär i januari 2026.

Alexander Abdallah och Julia Ragnarsson spelar huvudrollerna i adaptionen av Jens Lapidus PARADIS CITY

Strive Stories will adapt Jens Lapidus’ bestseller ‘Paradis City’ into major Viaplay drama

Strive Stories will adapt Jens Lapidus’ bestselling novel ‘Paradis City’ into a major scripted series for Viaplay a tense drama/thriller set in Sweden in a not-too-distant future, ‘Paradis City’ stars Alexander Abdallah (‘Snabba Cash’) and Julia Ragnarsson (‘Midsummer’), and is directed by Fenar Ahmad (‘Darkland’). Jens Lapidus will joins as an executive producer.

Evin Ahmad as Leya in SNABBA CASH

Internationally acclaimed series Snabba Cash, produced by SF Studios in collaboration with Strive Stories, gets a second season

Today Netflix announced a second season for the hugely successful Swedish original series Snabba Cash starring Evin Ahmad. Snabba Cash Season 2 will be written by Oskar Söderlund and directed by Jesper Ganslandt, who also are the creators and show runners behind the series. The series is produced by Nicklas Wikström Nicastro for SF Studios in collaboration with Strive Stories.

Jens Lapidus and Nicklas Wikström Nicastro, founders of Strive Stories.

Jens Lapidus starts production company together with "SNABBA CASH" producer

Best-selling author Jens Lapidus is starting a production company together with Nicklas Wikström Nicastro, the producer behind the Oscar-nominated A Man Called Ove and the acclaimed Netflix series Snabba Cash. With their shared passion for storytelling, they want to create feature films and TV drama that connects with the audience on a deeper level.

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Nicklas Wikström Nicastro

Nicklas Wikström Nicastro

Presskontakt Producer/ CEO +46 709 42 95 42

Stories making an impact.

Strive Stories is an independent Stockholm-based production company making feature films and TV drama for all platforms.

Strive Stories
