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TCS retains pole position in IT services customer satisfaction

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TCS retains pole position in IT services customer satisfaction

Stockholm, 14 May, 2015: Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) once again takes the number one position in Nordic IT services customer satisfaction - now for the seventh consecutive year. The latest win comes in the 2016 annual Nordic IT Outsourcing Study by Whitelane Research and PA Consulting.

“This year we have executed many of the most demanding IT transformation programs in the region,” says Amit Bajaj, Head of North Europe, TCS. “I want to thank all TCSers for the commitment they show towards our customers, and I want to thank the customers for the trust they place in us. Success is borne out of partnerships. We are proud to serve our customers and to have become the digital partner of choice in the Nordic business community.”

TCS came out on top with an overall client satisfaction score of 81 percent, the highest among the service providers and nine points above the industry average of 72 percent. 100 percent of the respondents currently working with TCS said that they were likely to renew their contracts – testament to the company's customer centricity.

TCS showed its strength in all IT domains examined in the study. TCS has the most satisfied customers in application development, maintenance and testing; data center and application hosting; and end-user services.

“The Nordic market has now matured to the point where we are seeing major deals in both the public and private domain being struck with global IT service providers of the caliber of TCS. The fact that TCS has been able to retain primacy while expanding their operations is testimony to their strength as a company and ability to lead change with their clients,” says Jef Loos, Head Sourcing Research Europe at Whitelane Research.

More than 300 people at top IT spending organizations in Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Norway were interviewed for the survey. Collectively, the research evaluated 29 IT service providers – and around a thousand unique IT outsourcing contracts.

TCS recently announced a major contract with PostNord to become their cloud partner and the company has also made its mark as an innovator in the banking industry with its peer-to-peer payment application for DNB.

Whitelane Research and PA Consulting collaborated to conduct the 2016 Nordic IT Outsourcing Study. Whitelane Research is an independent organization focused on and dedicated to sourcing and outsourcing research and events. PA Consulting is a consulting, technology and innovation firm operating worldwide with over 2,600 employees.




Roland Bägén

Roland Bägén

Presskontakt Nordic Head of Marketing & Communication 0046703178024

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Tata Consultancy Services (TCS)
TCS är ett globalt företag som erbjuder konsulttjänster och affärslösningar inom IT. I över 56 år har TCS samarbetat med flera av världens största företag under deras digitala transformationsresor. De tekniktjänster och -lösningar TCS erbjuder levereras via deras unika leveransmodell Location Independent Agile™. TCS är en del av Tata Group, Indiens största industrikonglomerat, och har över 601 000 högutbildade konsulter i 55 länder. Bolaget omsatte 29 miljarder USD under räkenskapsperioden som avslutades 31 mars 2024 och är noterat på BSE (tidigare Bombay Stock Exchange) samt NSE (National Stock Exchange) i Indien. TCS aktiva arbete mot klimatförändringar och prisbelönta arbete i samhällen över hela världen har belönats med en plats i ledande hållbarhetsindex MSCI Global Sustainability Index samt FTSE4Good Emerging Index.

Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) på den nordiska marknaden
TCS etablerades i Norden år 1991 och har i dag cirka 20 000 medarbetare som arbetar för kunder i Sverige, Finland, Norge och Danmark. Under de senaste 15 åren har TCS i Norden rankats som den bästa leverantören av IT-konsulttjänster av sina kunder. TCS har dessutom utsetts till ”Top Employer” i Sverige elfte år i rad av den oberoende organisationen Top Employers Institute. Besök TCS svenska webbplats på https://www.tcs.com/se-sv.

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