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TATAA Biocenter Expands its Digital PCR offerings with Bio-Rad’s Droplet Digital PCR System

TATAA Biocenter, Europe´s leading provider of genomic services, is expanding its digital PCR offerings with Bio-Rad’s high-throughput QX200™ Droplet Digital™ PCR system (ddPCR™). In 2007 TATAA Biocenter became the first company in Europe to provide digital PCR services to researchers and published one of the first papers that featured an application of digital PCR on a high throughput platform (Nucleic Acids Research 36: 387, 2008). The paper discussed using digital PCR to measure intracellular mRNA gradients. TATAA also co-authored the Guidelines for Minimum Information for Publication of Quantitative Digital PCR Experiments (Clinical Chemistry 59:6, 2013). “Digital PCR is most important complement to qPCR and can be used for standardization, copy number variation, and rare mutation analysis,” said Dr. Mikael Kubista, founder and CEO of TATAA Biocenter. “We have previously adopted the OpenArray and BioMark digital PCR platforms from Life Technologies and Fluidigm, which offer simultaneous measurements of qPCR and highly specific and sensitive dPCR analysis; however, with Bio-Rad’s QX200 system we can now offer dPCR in high throughput, using a much larger number of partitions. This is major strengthening of our service and training offerings.” About Bio-Rad Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. (NYSE: BIO and BIOb) has been at the center of scientific discovery for 60 years, manufacturing and distributing a broad range of products for life science research and clinical diagnostic markets. The company is renowned for its commitment to quality and customer service among university and research institutions, hospitals, public health and commercial laboratories, as well as the biotechnology, pharmaceutical, and food safety industries. Founded in 1952, Bio-Rad is based in Hercules, California, and serves more than 100,000 research and industry customers through its global network of operations. The company employs approximately 7,600 people worldwide and had revenues exceeding $2 billion in 2012. Visit us at 2/2 2/2 About TATAA Biocenter TATAA Biocenter is world’s largest organizer of hands-on training in quantitative real-time PCR, Europe’s leading provider of nucleic acid analysis services, and Sweden’s most comprehensive distributor of products for nucleic acids analysis. TATAA Biocenter has the best equipped laboratories for qPCR based analysis in Europe, and provides contract research for a full range of nucleic acid analysis services, including primer and probe design, validation, quality control, profiling, data and pathway analysis, and kit and instrument evaluation to pharmaceutical and biotech companies. TATAA offers a seamless workflow, with all the instrumentation necessary for performing high quality experiments and for optimal sample handling, meeting the specific requirements for compliance with ISO17025 standard. Founded in 2001, TATAA has permanent facility in Gothenburg, Sweden, and Prague, Czech Republic. In 2013 TATAA was presented the Frost & Sullivan Award for Customer Value Leadership as Best-in-Class Services for Analyzing Genetic Material. Visit us at

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  • Epidemier

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TATAA Biocenter var bland de första att utveckla ett test för SARS-COV-2, som registrerats för CE-IVD under namnet TATAA GrandPerformance SARS-COV-2 Detection kit för diagnostisk användning inom Europa. TATAA var också tidigt igång med testning för SARS-COV-2 i samarbete med Saint James Hospital på Malta. I Sverige erbjuder TATAA Biocenter testning till företag och privatpersoner genom Gendoktorn Medicinsk Service. VD Mikael Kubista förestår även ett akademiskt laboratorium vid BIOCEV i Prag, som deltar i Tjeckiens nationella SARS-COV-2 screening.

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TATAA Biocenter ingår i det internationella konsortium SPIDIA4P, som tar fram underlag för europeiska och internationella riktlinjer och standards inom molekylär diagnostik. 

VD Mikael Kubista är en av författarna till MIQE-riktlinjerna för qPCR analys.


Mikael Kubista

Presskontakt CEO Cell and Gene Therapy +46733928168

Romina Cifliku

Presskontakt Project Manager +46 728815843

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