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GotGuitars äger rum på World of Volvo 26-27 april.

GotGuitars 2025 – Nordens ledande gitarrmässa på World of Volvo

Den 26 – 27 april 2025 återvänder GotGuitars, Nordens främsta gitarrmässa, för att välkomna musikälskare från hela landet. I år arrangeras mässan i samarbete med World of Volvo – som omvandlas till en arena fylld av gitarrer, musik och inspiration. Biljetterna släpps den 5 februari.

World of Volvos initiativ för familjer: Sportlovsaktiviteter för alla

World of Volvos initiativ för familjer: Sportlovsaktiviteter för alla

Sportlovet är på ingång! Vecka 7 bjuder World of Volvo in till årets andra upplaga av det populära konceptet FamilyFun. En vecka fylld av lekfulla, spännande och lärorika familjeaktiviteter – som dessutom är helt gratis för alla. Måndag till lördag under sportlovet bjuds det på allt ifrån fartfyllda tävlingar till spektakulära uppvisningar med rörelse och hälsa i fokus.

Taubedagen 2025 – Stjärnspäckad hyllningskonsert på World of Volvo

Taubedagen 2025 – Stjärnspäckad hyllningskonsert på World of Volvo

Den 12 mars 2025 uppmärksammas Evert Taube genom en konsert på World of Volvo i Göteborg, tillsammans med artister som Helen Sjöholm och Anders ”Moneybrother” Wendin. Konserten ”Sjögång” bjuder på en musikalisk resa genom Taubes tidlösa verk och inträffar på Taubedagen, som 2025 markerar 135 år sedan Taube föddes.

Upplev julen på World of Volvo

Upplev julen på World of Volvo

December är här och World of Volvo välkomnar julen med ljus, värme och magiska upplevelser. Upplev kultur god mat och gemenskap på ett julfint World of Volvo.

Ny utställning på World of Volvo: Hur arkitektur omdefinierar hållbarhet

Ny utställning på World of Volvo: Hur arkitektur omdefinierar hållbarhet

Från den 6 december till 28 februari bjuder World of Volvo in till "Changing Our Footprint" – en utställning skapad av byggnadens arkitektbyrå Henning Larsen. Här får besökaren följa med på en inspirerande arkitektonisk resa om hur vi kan förändra vårt avtryck – i små men skalbara steg – genom byggnadsprojekt, pågående forskning, tester, lärdomar av misstag och inbjudan till dialog.

Förra året var det 5000 åskådare på plats på Avenyn för att se Luciaparaden. Foto: Avenyföreningen.

Publiksuccén är tillbaka: Göteborgs Luciaparad återvänder till Avenyn

5 000 åskådare på Avenyn förra året, och nu är det dags igen. Fredagen den 13 december står World of Volvo, Göteborgs Lucia och Avenyföreningen som arrangörer för årets upplaga av Göteborgs Luciaparad. Publiksuccén från förra året kommer att skrida fram längs Avenyn och avsluta med en stämningsfull konsert på Götaplatsen, framförd av Göteborgs Lucia med över 150 kördeltagare.

Sociala medier

Small steps – great impact 👣

From December 6 to February 28, World of Volvo presents ”Changing Our Footprint”, an exhibition by Henning Larsen – previously showcased in Berlin and Copenhagen. Follow an inspiring architectural journey of how to change our foot-print – in small, but scalable steps – through built projects, ongoing research, testing, learning from mistakes, and inviting to a dialogue. Explore innovative ideas like transformation, 3D printing, and design for disassembly, and see how small, scalable steps in architecture can reshape our future. 

”Changing Our Footprint” will be presented on floor 4 of World of Volvo, accessible to everyone – without the need to purchase a ticket. Take the chance to experience it!

Small steps – great impact 👣 From December 6 to February 28, World of Volvo presents ”Changing Our Footprint”, an exhibition by Henning Larsen – previously showcased in Berlin and Copenhagen. Follow an inspiring architectural journey of how to change our foot-print – in small, but scalable steps – through built projects, ongoing research, testing, learning from mistakes, and inviting to a dialogue. Explore innovative ideas like transformation, 3D printing, and design for disassembly, and see how small, scalable steps in architecture can reshape our future. ”Changing Our Footprint” will be presented on floor 4 of World of Volvo, accessible to everyone – without the need to purchase a ticket. Take the chance to experience it!

Give the gift of experience this Christmas! 

Our annual pass to the World of Volvo exhibition is a gift to enjoy throughout 2025. Explore Volvo’s iconic vehicles, dive into breathtaking interactive experiences, and the evolution of transportation from 1927 to the future. The annual pass includes unlimited access to the exhibition, exclusive benefits for certain concerts, events, talks and discount in our shop. A thoughtful gift, packed with endless experiences. 💫

PS. Right now, you can get our annual pass at 20% off 🤫

Give the gift of experience this Christmas! Our annual pass to the World of Volvo exhibition is a gift to enjoy throughout 2025. Explore Volvo’s iconic vehicles, dive into breathtaking interactive experiences, and the evolution of transportation from 1927 to the future. The annual pass includes unlimited access to the exhibition, exclusive benefits for certain concerts, events, talks and discount in our shop. A thoughtful gift, packed with endless experiences. 💫 PS. Right now, you can get our annual pass at 20% off 🤫

Have you noticed the different safety belts around our building? 👀

They’re a tribute to one of our proudest innovations! The modern three-point safety belt was invented by Volvo engineer Nils Bohlin in 1959 – and the patent was given freely to the world. This invention has been credited with saving at least a million lives worldwide. Today, it’s found in most vehicles, old and new, regardless of the manufacturer, and its use is mandated by law across the globe. Safety has always been, and will always be, Volvo’s top priority.

Three points – one million lives 🤎

Have you noticed the different safety belts around our building? 👀 They’re a tribute to one of our proudest innovations! The modern three-point safety belt was invented by Volvo engineer Nils Bohlin in 1959 – and the patent was given freely to the world. This invention has been credited with saving at least a million lives worldwide. Today, it’s found in most vehicles, old and new, regardless of the manufacturer, and its use is mandated by law across the globe. Safety has always been, and will always be, Volvo’s top priority. Three points – one million lives 🤎

Hey students!

We’ve got exciting news! World of Volvo is now connected with @mecenat, which means you get a discount to explore our exhibition. Take the chance to experience a place filled with innovation, history, and fascinating stories. Perfect for a break from studies or a fun activity with friends!💙

#worldofvolvo #mecenat #studentdiscount #experience #gothenburg #göteborg #volvocars #volvogroup #exhibition #students #studentingothenburg @universityofgothenburg @chalmers.university

Hey students! We’ve got exciting news! World of Volvo is now connected with @mecenat, which means you get a discount to explore our exhibition. Take the chance to experience a place filled with innovation, history, and fascinating stories. Perfect for a break from studies or a fun activity with friends!💙 #worldofvolvo #mecenat #studentdiscount #experience #gothenburg #göteborg #volvocars #volvogroup #exhibition #students #studentingothenburg @universityofgothenburg @chalmers.university

Enjoy a festive Christmas Cracker! 🎊

Let your Christmas celebrations this holiday season begin at World of Volvo. Step into the past and glimpse the future at the World of Volvo Exhibition. Immerse yourself in the festive spirit with traditional recipes reimagined by renowned chef Stefan Karlsson, while soaking in the ambiance in a stunning environment on our top floor restaurant, Ceno on Top. 🎄

✨ Read more and book at our website - link in bio! ✨

#worldofvolvo #volvogroup #volvocars #göteborg #gothenburg #christmas #resturant #julbord #celebration @cenogbg

Enjoy a festive Christmas Cracker! 🎊 Let your Christmas celebrations this holiday season begin at World of Volvo. Step into the past and glimpse the future at the World of Volvo Exhibition. Immerse yourself in the festive spirit with traditional recipes reimagined by renowned chef Stefan Karlsson, while soaking in the ambiance in a stunning environment on our top floor restaurant, Ceno on Top. 🎄 ✨ Read more and book at our website - link in bio! ✨ #worldofvolvo #volvogroup #volvocars #göteborg #gothenburg #christmas #resturant #julbord #celebration @cenogbg

Volvo 1800S – The 3 Million Mile Car.

The Volvo 1800S is an iconic sports car, but one particular example stands out from the rest. Owned by Irv Gordon, an American teacher, it set a unique world record. Over more than 50 years, Irv drove his Volvo 1800S over 3 million miles!

The car became a symbol of Volvo’s durability and engineering, and Irv embodied the true joy of driving. His car is still listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the vehicle driven the farthest by its original owner – a feat that’s not just about building cars, but building lifelong relationships.

And guess what? You can see this legendary car in full in our exhibition! 🙌

#worldofvolvo #volvocars #volvogroup #exhibition #cars #volvo #göteborg #gothenburg

Volvo 1800S – The 3 Million Mile Car. The Volvo 1800S is an iconic sports car, but one particular example stands out from the rest. Owned by Irv Gordon, an American teacher, it set a unique world record. Over more than 50 years, Irv drove his Volvo 1800S over 3 million miles! The car became a symbol of Volvo’s durability and engineering, and Irv embodied the true joy of driving. His car is still listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the vehicle driven the farthest by its original owner – a feat that’s not just about building cars, but building lifelong relationships. And guess what? You can see this legendary car in full in our exhibition! 🙌 #worldofvolvo #volvocars #volvogroup #exhibition #cars #volvo #göteborg #gothenburg


Ulrika Sandford

Ulrika Sandford

Presskontakt PR & Communication Manager

En livfull mötesplats med omtanke

World of Volvo ligger centralt i Göteborgs nya evenemangsdistrikt och är ett varumärkescenter med en unik skandinavisk arkitektur på 22 000 m². Som ett joint venture mellan Volvo Cars och Volvo Group strävar World of Volvo till att bli stadens främsta destination och mötesplats.

Interaktiva utställningar, ett spännande program, underhållande evenemang och unika kulinariska upplevelser gör World of Volvo till en dynamisk plats för människor och idéer.

Välkommen till en inspirerande upplevelse – välkommen till World of Volvo!

World of Volvo

Lyckholms Torg 1
412 63 Göteborg

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