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Meet Christopher: The Project manager who loves the creativity of construction.

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Meet Christopher: The Project manager who loves the creativity of construction.

    Christopher is a master of many trades. Here at Reliefed Technologies he does basically everything to keep the ship steaming ahead, managing the z.trusion® implementation projects, designing tools and running live material tests. 

    Here, we talk with Christopher to learn more about what led him to the field of engineering in the first place and to find out what he does in his spare time.

    How would you describe yourself as a person?

    I'm a calm person, which means I typically keep my cool even though I'm always up to some new crazy project, both at work and at home. I really like being around people and I'm just generally a happy guy!

    What first sparked your interest in the field of engineering?

    My interest for technology and mechanics has been there my whole life. As I grew up, I was always out tuning mopeds or tinkering with cars. What I enjoy most is the creativity of it all. You get an idea, sketch it, construct it and get to see it for real. I guess this goes for both building a wooden deck at home and projects at work.

    What is the best part of working at Reliefed?

    The mix of the role, being able to work both physically with products and testing, while combining it with mechanics and creative construction. I also like that it's a relatively small company still with broad responsibility areas and fast decision making.

    What is your role?

    I lead our customer implementation and evaluation projects, which means I plan, set up a timeframe, interact with the customer, design the tooling, set the dimensions and perform the testing. Once we have reached a certain point, I will be part of the start-up at the customer/supplier production site to make sure everything runs smoothly and to tune the tooling for optimal results. I also drink a lot of coffee and talk about nonsense!

    What is your background?

    I have a mechanical engineering degree from Halmstad University. From there I've worked as a consultant with construction or as a project engineer in various projects. I’ve done everything from marine drive trains, to Volvo Cars, to battery design to lifting tools etc.

    What makes you succeed at what you do?

    I think my strength is versatility and that I'm always genuinely interested in what I do, which means I'm very engaged.

    What gives you energy at work? 

    Coffee! Jokes aside, I get a lot of energy when a project succeeds, and you hear positive feedback from both colleagues but foremost the customer. I guess it's most often in the interaction with people I get energy and here at Reliefed there's a lot of energy and fun customers to work with. I also get a lot of motivation from seeing my construction ideas come to life.

    What are you working on right now?

    Right now I'm preparing a live production test that is going to take place with one of our customers in Germany. We will take our tool and test it in the customer's production line. This means I'm hands-on packing all of our things, making sure they arrive safe and sound, plan the trip together with the customer to make sure we know when and how to run the test.

    Where do we find you when you are not at work?

    Renovating our house, on the golf court or spending time with my family.

    What makes you laugh?

    Monthy Python!

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Jessica Eklund

Jessica Eklund

Presskontakt Graphic Designer Marketing 0735-375522

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Pushing the cost of creative design towards zero

z.trusion® is a patented technology for innovative and sustainable design of extruded products, developed by award-winning Swedish cleantech company Reliefed Technologies. The company is headquartered in Varberg on the Swedish west coast and collaborates with industry leaders across Europe.

Reliefed Technologies - z.trusion®

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