Press release -

MyCube Releases the Vault, the First of a Suite of Services that Will Give Users Complete Control of their Online Lives

Today at the SIME-Stockholm conference, MyCube ( announced the release of the MyCube Vault, a backup service that allows users to aggregate their social media content from across the web and start to regain control over their online lives.

The Vault allows users to make on-demand or automated backups of their content from leading social media services, including Facebook, Picasa, Google Mail and others, with this content being stored securely on their hard drive. It is being released as an open-source software project so that other developers can add to the Vault's features over time.

"MyCube's vision is to give users complete control of their online lives," said Johan Stael von Holstein, MyCube CEO. "The first step of gaining control is to have all of your social media assets gathered securely in one place, and that is exactly what the Vault does."

MyCube also today announced that on January 15, 2011, the MyCube Exchange -- a next-generation social network -- would be available in private beta and is now accepting pre-registrations at

"Social networking was fun for a while, but social interactions are complex, and it is clear that we now need services that support this complexity in a way that puts us clearly in control -- of our information, our content, and our interactions," said Stael von Holstein. "The MyCube Exchange has been two years in the making and we are excited that we will soon be able to bring our vision to the market."

MyCube has 30 employees based in Singapore, is funded by prominent individual investors, and is led by a strong team consisting of serial entrepreneurs and seasoned operational managers. To download the MyCube Vault or pre-register for the MyCube Exchange, please visit or for more information please email

Johan Staël von Holstein launches MyCube Vault:


  • johan staël von holstein
  • mycube vault
  • backup service
  • social media content
  • regain control
  • open-source
  • mycube


Todd Kurie

Press contact Marketing Director +65 6538 4280

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