Press release -

Emora urge companies to consider the needs of Generation Z

Nottingham based direct sales and marketing firm Emora are continuously looking to the future of the industry, keeping on top of trends and the newest technologies. As such, the firm has released a statement on the needs of Generation Z, the millennial predecessors. The generation is to share entrepreneurial tendencies, following in their millennial counterparts footsteps, but with the industry ever changing it is vital to understand the differences between the two.

Research their values and provide experiences: The firm is urging other companies to follow their interview process, by providing an observation day in which potential contractors can experience a day in the life at Emora for the younger generation. Inviting students to immerse themselves in work experience now will set them in better stead for the future, understanding how a career in sales and marketing will help them on their path to entrepreneurship.

About the firm:

Evaluate company culture: Emora is keen to maintain a company culture that is inclusive of a variety of individuals, understanding that each has a different set of motivations and desires. The firm is keen to create a culture with missions that align with everyone at the company.

Face-to-face communication: In a world in which many companies have made the transition over to more technology-based working environments inclusive of emails, apps and online messaging Emora understand the importance of keeping face-to-face communication. In person conversations with leaders is an original way for Generation Z to learn, develop and follow senior roles.

Add technology to working environments: Although Emora advises this is only element of technology as in-person interactions remain at the forefront of importance. The introduction of further technology is an answer to the learning environment generation Z has grown up with, with smartphones and electronic devices proving to now be their second nature. The importance of keeping a company up to date is vital within the sales and marketing industry, a welcome invitation to future generations.

Emora continues to look to the future and the generation that will shape the industry, focusing on how to create a welcoming and dynamic environment for when they are ready to enter the sector with experience and knowledge. The firm is eager to encourage other companies to set things in place now, in preparation for the future.



  • Working Environment


  • emora


  • Nottinghamshire

Managing Director - Lauren Harrison

Emora develops fun and engaging direct marketing campaigns which offer consumers a more personalised and joyful marketing experience.


Stacey Kehoe

Press contact Communications director

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