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JetWave International Reviews the Importance of Customer Experience

Poor customer service costs U.S. companies over $62 billion every year, according to a report by Help Scout. As a company that excels in achieving high customer satisfaction rates, JetWave International has reviewed the importance of customer experience.

JetWave International: About the firm

Unhappy customers cost companies money. Knoxville-based JetWave International stand out in a hugely competitive market due to their high customer service standards and their commitment to delivering an outstanding customer experience on behalf of their clients.

Customer satisfaction is the secret to building a loyal consumer base, and JetWave International contend that more companies need to focus on delivering an outstanding customer experience to improve customer satisfaction scores and boost brand loyalty.“A happy customer is a long-term and loyal one,” stated Isaac Jackson, CEO at JetWave International. Commenting on the importance of customer satisfaction, Mr Jackson said, “Happy customers not only remain loyal but they also become brand ambassadors, using word of mouth to recommend a product or service.”

With customers having a plethora of buying choices in today’s ever-advancing technological world, customer retention has become more critical than ever.Retaining customers is far less expensive than customer acquisition. According to a study conducted by Invesp, the probability of selling to an existing customer is between 60-70% whereas selling to a new customer is between 5-20%. According to New Voice Media, 51% of those surveyed stated that they wouldn’t use a company again after a negative experience. That overwhelming stat means that brands need to get the customer experience right the first time.

At JetWave International, they wanted to create a solution, common ground and a mutual understanding between customers and clients and optimize the disconnect between marketing, advertising, brand awareness and customer acquisition. They have brought ideas from all over the world, Romania, the United Kingdom, and the US, to name a few. CEO Isaac Jackson believes that their diversity allows them to connect with a wide variety of customers to give them the best experience possible and build lasting relationships with clients. They are a young firm with big goals, and Mr Jackson believes that the firm’s commitment to delivering an outstanding customer experience is integral to their continued success. The award-winning entrepreneur is urging industry leaders to focus on customer experience to build a loyal customer base.

Founded in November 2017 and based in Knoxville, Tennessee, JetWave International is a trusted business and consulting firm founded on previous experiences and principles. They are a young, fresh and fast-growing firm who put customer service at the top of their agenda to deliver an outstanding customer experience.



  • Business enterprise, General


  • jetwave international


Isaac Jackson: CEO


Knoxville’s Premier Events, Retail, and In-Store Marketing Promotion Company. Founded in November 2017 and based in Knoxville, Tennessee, JetWave is a trusted business and consulting firm founded on previous experiences and principles.


Stacey Kehoe

Press contact Communications director

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