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Lose these habits if you are serious about success claims Australian Interactive Services

As 2018 is well underway, we often set ourselves goals and targets we hope to achieve over the year. However, these goals are often left by the wayside after only the first three weeks after setting them, and we go back to previously conditioned bad habits. Brisbane based direct sales and marketing firm, Australian Interactive Marketing have devised an essential list of habits you should lose if you're serious about success.

About the firm:

Success is considered a mindset.To be successful, you need to commit to planning your life on attaining your goals fully. However, before you make the next move there some habits you need to cut out of your life, here are Australian Interactive Marketing's top tips:

Don’t be content underachieving, now is the time to start overachieving:

The saying nothing in life worth having comes easy. You need to be overdoing it when striving to achieve your goals, don’t just stop when you’ve managed the bare minimum. Strive for more. Keep going until you’ve gone above and beyond the goals you set, then work more. This type of work ethic can only be a good thing.

Focus on one task at a time, STOP MULTITASKING:

Many studies have shown that around ninety-eight percent of people cannot successfully multitask. More often than not those that believe they can are often the ones that cant do it. Instead of focusing on many different tasks, focus on one individual task at a time, the more you’re trying to do at once the less effort and care is put in. You’ll struggle to filter between tasks and drop irrelevant information. Turn off all distractions when focusing on a job, give that work 100 percent of your attention. You’ll see a productivity boost.

Stop checking social media at work:

Social Media is a great tool for advertising and staying in touch with friends and family, but it is probably ruining your productivity. The platforms have a spider web of different links and posts that are created to get you hooked. It is a major hindrance on your time and absolutely does not contribute to your success nor your goals. Instead of reading such platforms divert your attention to reading industry news or sites that are going to add to your day.

It's time to stop comparing yourself to others:

This type of comparison will never help anyone. There's always going to be people out there that are perceived to be doing better than yourself, look better or are doing things that you want to do. It's time to start focusing on yourself and ignore the rest. Everyone’s path in life is different, just because someone has achieved more before you doesn’t mean that you’re falling behind in the grand scheme of things.

Those go to excuses won't cut it anymore:

Plain and simply, if you want something, go out and get it. The only person stopping you from achieving your goals is yourself. Avoid creating reasons why you can't and start making reasons why you can.

Headed up by a management team with over 20 years’ combined experience in the sales and marketing industry, Australian Interactive Marketing brings together the country’s best and brightest to shake up the sales and marketing world. Waging war on complacency, Australian Interactive Marketing showcases just how powerful face-to-face communication can be in the pursuit of greater brand awareness and customer acquisition.

As well as lending its collective expertise to creating and executing effective sales and marketing strategies, Australian Interactive Marketing has committed to supporting and inspiring the next generation of industry talent. Australian Interactive Marketing’s graduate programme offers education and guidance to satisfy the interests of the most ambitious and curious minds.

Australian Interactive Marketing adheres to the principle that everyone deserves an equal shot at success and as a result, the agency has also developed a business development programme open to all. Candidates are not assessed on their background, experience or prior education. Instead, Australian Interactive Marketing favours ambition, enthusiasm and a willingness to grow professionally. 


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