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Originality in sales and marketing could become a dying art, suggests Simplx

Sydney-based outsourced sales and marketing experts Simplx question whether originality in business has suffered as a result of advances in digital technology, and the availability of information.

Simplx: About the firm

Many businesses in Australia and indeed throughout the world claim to value originality, individuality, and self-expression - yet their behaviour fails to live up to such claims. They often seek shelter in fitting in rather than standing out, afraid to ruffle feathers or go against the grain.

This is the viewpoint of Simplx - who claim to be on a mission to ‘shake up’ the sales and marketing industry in Australia, starting from their headquarters in Sydney.

“For me it all comes down to, when you’re presented with the right opportunity, if you choose to either fit the mould - or break it. I respect those that choose to play the hand that challenges the status quo,” comments Managing Director at Simplx David Locke.

Locke believes that brands and businesses are extensions of who you are, your history, and your tribe. Recently claiming that ‘it takes a village to raise a child’, Locke feels he’s seeing too many companies telling the exact same story, and delivering the exact same message, in the exact same tone of voice.

While Simplx is hesitant to lay sole blame for this at the feet of the digitally saturated environment mankind now finds itself immersed in, the firm does believe that successful old ideas are more easily remodelled to form new ones because of it.

With so many marketing companies to choose from throughout cities in Australia, it is imperative for those involved within the industry to stay ahead of the competition and provide services that generate guaranteed results.

“Even if it feels unnatural for a business, it’s essential to install a sense of identifiable originality to a company culture. It’s paramount for attracting top talent, and taking market share from the competition. Hopefully it won’t become a dying art,” added Locke, speaking in regard to his industry of sales and marketing.

His firm Simplx are passionate about ensuring communication remains in its most useful form -person-to-person, as they believe that’s the best way to make a connection, rather than a faceless and unenthusiastic phone call with a bored service advisor.



  • Business enterprise, General


  • simplx


Dave Locke: Managing Director

In today’s technology-based world, we are taking a stand to simplify things back to human connections and replaceable systems. Essentially, we provide direct sales and marketing solutions for many high-profile clients that are keen to explore simple, effective and fun-based human interactions with their consumers in the public domain.


Stacey Kehoe

Press contact Communications director

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