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Air purifiers for schools: study results pave the way for long-term Corona strategy

  • Infectious aerosols: Latest real-life study in South Korean school confirms results of laboratory tests
  • AiroDoctor air purifier reduces infection risk as significantly as window ventilation, in combination even up to 73%
  • Extensive media coverage of promising study results, South Korean politicians promise support for widespread use of air purifiers

Study results indicate future for long-term Corona strategy

Researchers from the Infrastructure Safety Department at the Korea Institute of Construction Technology (KICT) recently conducted an empirical air purifier study at South Korea's Gimpo Foreign Language High School northwest of the capital Seoul. The results of the study of a classroom situation with 25 students were clear: window ventilation reduced the risk of infection by 55%, and the use of the AiroDoctor with closed windows also reduced the risk by a good 50%. The device performed best when it was placed in the middle of the room. The use of the air purifier in combination with window ventilation was interesting: here the risk of infection dropped by a full 73%. Another result was also shown by TV reports that accompanied the studies in the media: The students reported that they did not feel disturbed in any way by the AiroDoctor in class due to the low operating noise level.

"We are very pleased about the groundbreaking results from South Korea. We trust that the relevant authorities nationally and internationally will take notice of such important studies. After all, the globally unique filter technology of the AiroDoctor can make an important contribution in a long-term strategy against SARS-CoV-2." - Carsten Hermann, Managing Director ScreenSource GmbH

AiroDoctor selected for the final round of testing

The overall study included several rounds in which the performance of different antiviral and antibacterial air purifiers was tested in a real classroom. For this purpose, virus-like salt microparticles were released into the air as aerosols, the concentration levels which were measured in succession in the center and at the edge of the room in each case. In this way, one or more infectious students could be simulated in different settings. For the final round, the researchers chose the AiroDoctor WAD-M20 to investigate the effectiveness of the air purifier in comparison with normal window ventilation in a test lasting several days. The setting assumed that students did not move around the room and distances were maintained.

The study results show the effectiveness of the AiroDoctor air purifier: The AiroDoctor air purifier drops the risk of infections through infectious aerosols by a full 73%.

The AiroDoctor: An international success story

Not only did the media in South Korea report on the test series at Gimpo Foreign Language High School, but high-ranking politicians also personally gained an impression of the test series. While the air purifier already has TÜV-CE certification in Europe and the ECARF seal of the European Allergy Foundation, in the USA certification has been applied for from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and is undergoing ISO 13485 certification as a medical device in parallel. Certification as well as further scientific studies and real-life tests in various environments are also to be carried out in South Korea as soon as possible and in cooperation with the relevant authorities, as representatives of the Ministry of Science and Information and Communication Technology announced. They also pledged further support for the technology in the fight against Corona. South Korea is already using numerous AiroDoctor air purification devices in screening clinics, hospitals, train stations, call centers and educational institutions. At the same time, Saxony-Anhalt-based ScreenSource GmbH, co-developer of the AiroDoctor, is selling the innovative air purifiers through distribution partners in 16 countries.

"We welcome the great news and political attention for the AiroDoctor. Empirical studies like the one from Gimpo Foreign Language High School underpin laboratory-based research and build confidence in this important technology." Eddie Kim, Vice President AiroDoctor

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  • filtering
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  • photocatalysis
  • corona
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  • aerosols
  • airodoctor
  • uv-a-led
  • uv-a technology
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AiroDoctor® is a trademark of ScreenSource GmbH based in Germany. The international team with offices in Germany and South Korea consists, among others, of biochemists and product designers with origins in the research, development and production of innovative liquid crystal and OLED display technologies.

With its technological edge, the company has succeeded in the field of UV-A LED photocatalysis to achieve breakthrough results. The complete disinfection of air and elimination of infectious aerosols is a milestone. The close cooperation with the South Korean KICT, a South Korean governmental institute, has been a key driver.

Today, the solutions offered by ScreenSource GmbH are distributed worldwide and range from innovative display products to professional air purification solutions such as the AiroDoctor, which incorporates the technology used by the South Korean government in the fight to reduce the risk of SARS-CoV-2 (coronavirus) infections and has been officially recommended since 2020.

"Our mission is to make human interaction and collaboration indoors more safely."


Carsten Hermann

Press contact Founder & CEO +49 (0) 30 39886850

Andrea Guerra

Press contact Sales Director International +49 30 398868502

Philipp Franke

Press contact Key Account Manager Germany +49 30 398868501

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