Kinetic Concepts Course - Attana Step II

Event date 26 October 2010 – 27 October 2010

Location The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, MA, USA

The Attana Kinetic Concepts (Step II) Course is designed for anyone who would like to increase their understanding of concepts related to molecular interactions, and gives a deeper knowledge of how these concepts can be applied to biosensor assays as well as providing a sound theory base combined with hands-on computer exercises. The course content spans a broad spectra within molecular interaction studies such as - What consists good data - How to set up a successful assay - Advanced kinetics, affinity and thermodynamics theory - Cell applications For those new to biosensor technologies, a preparatory workshop will be held the 26th of October. If you are interested in participating or would like more information, please visit our website ( or contact our application specialists at


  • attana
  • training
  • kinetics

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