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When words make you sick

When words make you sick

In a new book, experts in a variety of fields explore nocebo effects – how negative expectations concerning health can make a person sick. It is the first time a book has been written on this subject.

Dan I. Andersson, Professor of Medical Bacteriology at the Department of Medical Biochemistry and Microbiology.

New discovery concerning occurrence of antibiotic resistance

A new study shows how heteroresistance, a transient resistance common in many bacteria, can act as a precursor to the development of antibiotic resistance. According to researchers at Uppsala University, this is the first time this link has been demonstrated.

New EU rules toothless against tax avoidance by multinationals

New EU rules toothless against tax avoidance by multinationals

The EU and OECD have jointly developed rules to prevent companies from exploiting differences in national legislation for financial gain. According to a new thesis/study at Uppsala University, however, companies are able to circumvent the rules. “The losers are mainly developing countries that are not members of the EU or OECD," explains Autilia Arfwidsson, doctoral student in Law.

Camilla Sköld, Specialist Physician in Gynaecological Cancer at the Oncology Clinic, Uppsala University Hospital, researcher at Uppsala University. Photo: Anthoula Koliadi

Lower survival rates for women than men with germ cell tumours

Women with a type of ovarian cancer known as germ cell tumours have a worse prognosis than men with similar tumours, i.e. testicular cancer. After five years with the disease, 98 percent of men were alive while the survival rate for women was only 85 percent. This has been revealed by a new study from Uppsala University and Uppsala University Hospital published in the Journal of Internal Medicine.

Eight new deep-sea species of marine sponges discovered

Eight new deep-sea species of marine sponges discovered

Despite marine sponges being widespread on our planet, their biodiversity and distribution is still poorly known. Even though the Mediterranean Sea is the most explored sea on Earth, a study by Díaz et al. (2024) reveals the presence of new sponge species and new records in unexplored habitats such as underwater caves or mountains around the Balearic Islands.

Christian Benedict, Associate Professor and sleep researcher at the Department of Pharmaceutical Biosciences at Uppsala University and leading researcher behind the study.

Too little sleep raises risk of type 2 diabetes

Adults who sleep only three to five hours a day are at higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes. This is demonstrated in a new study from Uppsala University, published in JAMA Network Open. It also shows that chronic sleep deprivation cannot be compensated by healthy eating alone.

A new study from Uppsala University shows that 41 per cent of adult Swedes believe in some form of paranormal phenomenon. Illustration by Lotta Ilona Häyrynen.

Four out of ten Swedes believe in supernatural phenomena

Belief in phenomena such as ghosts, UFOs, the Great Lake monster and fortune tellers is common in all social groups in Sweden. A new study from Uppsala University shows that 41 per cent of adult Swedes believe in some form of paranormal phenomenon, and among women this figure is as high as 52 per cent. However, men are in the majority among those who believe in UFOs.

Stone Age strategy for avoiding inbreeding

Stone Age strategy for avoiding inbreeding

Blood relations and kinship were not all-important for the way hunter-gatherer communities lived during the Stone Age in Western Europe. A new genetic study, conducted at several well-known French Stone Age burial sites, shows that several distinct families lived together. This was probably a deliberate system for avoiding inbreeding.

Marika Edoff, Professor of Solar Cell Technology at Uppsala University, responsible for the study.

Uppsala University sets new world record for CIGS solar cells

Uppsala University is the new world record holder for electrical energy generation from CIGS solar cells. The new world record is 23.64 per cent efficiency. The measurement was made by an independent institute and the results are published in the journal Nature Energy.

From the book "Blå ugglan" by Lotta Geffenblad (2023) with permission. Image: Lotta Geffenblad

Death and grief in Swedish children’s books

Death is blue, or a flying animal. This is how death is most commonly illustrated in Swedish children’s literature, according to a new study from Uppsala University based on analyses of 62 books. Just six out of ten books use the word ‘dead’, which may be a problem.

Increased access to water a threat to nomadic livestock farmers

Increased access to water a threat to nomadic livestock farmers

Increasing access to water in extremely arid parts of sub-Saharan Africa can help nomadic livestock farmers in the short term. However, in the long run it may lead to serious consequences for their livelihoods. This is shown by new research from Uppsala University, published in Nature Climate Change.

Erika Vestin, First author of the study. Photo by Susanne Nyholm Vestin

Double risk of dementia after mouth ulcer virus

People who have had the herpes virus at some point in their lives are twice as likely to develop dementia compared to those who have never been infected. A new study from Uppsala University confirms previous research on whether herpes can be a possible risk factor for dementia.

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Uppsala University - quality, knowledge, and creativity since 1477

Founded in 1477, Uppsala University is the oldest university in Sweden. With more than 50,000 students and 7,500 employees in Uppsala and Visby, we are a broad university with research in social sciences, humanities, technology, natural sciences, medicine and pharmacology. Our mission is to conduct education and research of the highest quality and relevance to society on a long-term basis. Uppsala University is regularly ranked among the world’s top universities.

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