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NHST Media Group - Quarterly Report 4th quarter 2015

  • Total revenues increased by 1 % to MNOK 332 in the quarter and with accumulated revenue growth of 3 % to MNOK 1 272 for the full year.
  • In the fourth quarter, circulation revenue was stable, advertising revenue was down 8 %, while other media service revenue increased by 19 %.
  • The EBITDA for the quarter was a profit of MNOK 5, which is MNOK 10 down on last year. For the year as a whole, the EBITDA ended with a profit of MNOK 54 against a profit of MNOK 34 last year. The Board will not propose any dividend for 2015.
  • The fourth quarter saw improvements in the operating result of Global and Direct Relations. There was a significant decrease in DN due to declining single-copy sales and advertising revenue as well as higher marketing costs. In addition, there was a marginal decrease in operating result in Nautical.
  • The Group increased its digital revenue by 17 %in the quarter compared with last year. On an accumulated basis, digital revenue constituted 31 % of total revenues in 2015. The Group is engaged in extensive digital product development, and improvements or expansions are continuously being launched.
  • The weakening of the Norwegian Krone results in increases in both revenues and costs denominated in NOK for the Group. This has had more marginal impact on the overall consolidated operating result for the Group, but it is an important explanatory factor for the development in several of the subsidiaries.
  • DN has changed its subscriptions and included digital products in all its subscription products from December 2015. The change has been well received and the use of the digital products is increasing. All the Group’s publications now offer an “all inclusive” choice.



Trond Sundnes

Trond Sundnes

Press contact CEO 91600214

A leading business news provider

The NHST Media Group aims to be the best and leading provider of business news in Norway and a world leader in the following three market segments: shipping, seafood, and oil & gas. All our publications are to be characterised by journalistic thoroughness and quality, as well as by an ability to find the exclusive news that will surprise and involve our readers.

NHST Media Group

Christian Kroghs gate 16
PO Box 1182 Sentrum, N-0107 Oslo, Norway

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