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Tradewinds – 25 years since launch

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Tradewinds – 25 years since launch

25 years ago – 5 October 1990 – Tradewinds was launched. This was NHST’s first modern international oriented publication, but focused on something the Group knew a lot about through its more than 100 years heritage at the time – shipping.

We can credit the launch of TradeWinds to a few very competent and gutsy individuals. Linked to the launch, there were a lot of critics, and it is fair to say the first days were challenging with headwinds from most directions…. 

It is interesting to note the macro-setting. TradeWinds was launched just days after German unification in 1990 – hence happy times for some. But generally, macro-economic conditions were difficult as the US was in recession, as were most other OECD countries. For shipping, conditions were complicated as well, not least because there were many ships in dire straits. 

There were lot of true rust buckets on the seven seas, and a lot of public antipathy towards the trade. Most freight rates were low as well. Mr Jon Fredriksen was unknown to most and Onassis was dead.

From day one TradeWinds was an innovation for the industry. Independent, critical business journalism was new to the “shipping trade publications”. And in tabloid format and style too with big and close up pictures of persons. Hence it was really something radical, and with a fresh approach. There was one big competitor out there – Lloyd’s List, one of the oldest daily newspapers in the world, respected - but Lloyds List was a very boring one - I am told.

TradeWinds has been growing in size since the launch. There have been some ups and downs, of course, but consistently it has aimed higher and delivered. After 15 years, TradeWinds surpassed Lloyds List in circulation, and has not looked back since. 

The publication is now acknowledged as the leading source for global oriented shipping industry news. Sales volumes have never been higher than today (helped by a weak Norwegian currency…) – total sales are at approximately NOK 100m ( USD 13m ) this year – and making a solid profit most years. Weekly readers are in the region of 50,000 from all over the world – it has been in the US, UK, Norway and Singapore TradeWinds have had most subscribers. 

The number of paying subscribers are well over 8,000 (8,425 as of today). The annual subscription price for a Tradewinds subscription is USD 1,200. The paying subscribers get full digital access to, the weekly newspaper and the quarterly glossy TW+. In addition TradeWinds runs some very successful conferences, like to one in Hong Kong next week (the Shipowners Forum attended by the who’s who in shipping). 

TradeWinds has offices in Oslo, London, Stamford, Singapore, Athens and Shanghai, with some 70 employees all in all. And in most places Tradewinds has spearheaded NHST’s international expansion – offices, people, systems, contacts and more. It is fair to say that without TradeWinds we would have had a very different NHST today.

Tradewinds has always been about teamwork, with talented, competent and gutsy individuals on both the editorial and commercial sides. It is always difficult to pin-point individuals, but I dare name just a few of the many:

- Trond Lillestølen – the founding editor and still a leading contributor with a strong passion for Tradewinds – thank you

- Hege Hansen – since day one – finance, marketing and administration

- Julian Bray – since day one – who lost a few years in ‘the wilderness’ but returned as the editor the last four years

- Jon Spencer – the present managing director

- Geoff Garfield – the present news editor

- Bjørn Segrov – participated at the launch and more - great collaborations with Trond during many years

- Sven Erik Brunvoll and Tor Gjendem – great commercial work during the first critical years – not least on the marketing front

Two more names stands out as well - in memory of Kåre Valebrokk (publisher) and John Landells (news editor for many years).

Please use this link to more of the TradeWinds history, in last week’s TradeWinds. Great read – recommended! (no password needed)

On a personal note, it has been great working together with the TradeWinds colleagues . Such a competent and dedicated staff is easy to trust and fun to engage and join in the constant media battles. 

During the years - I have received so much great feedback on TradeWinds, from so many places and positions like recently in New York from the US Maritime Commissioner. It is interesting to see today - so many of the present high level supporters are now “in love” with the tabloid and picturesque pale blue physical weekly newspaper. 

Posidonia (the shipping event in Athens/Piraeus) is something I look forward to every second year, and of course standing at the gang plank with Trond at the Christian Radich during many Norshippings. Not to mention the first shipping conference I attended in Shanghai – fantastic with 400 paying attendees. It is easy to stand tall with Tradewinds. Thank you.

Looking ahead, we have many plans with TradeWinds. There are plenty of opportunities out there, from topics to cover to better digital services. To use the maritime vocabulary – We must expect known and unknown torpedoes in the waters as we sail and attack from the pole position. But we got competent mariners, a solid tall ship that can sail faster than most – and we have also build solid fortresses along the coasts – in many places - due to our market position. If needed - we can attack from high grounds and with plenty of fire powder – from sea and ashore!

Best regards

Gunnar B

Congratulations TradeWinners!



Trond Sundnes

Trond Sundnes

Press contact CEO 91600214

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