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Group Management changes at NHST Media Group AS

Group Management changes at NHST Media Group AS

(Oslo, September 2, 2019) Louise Barnekow has been appointed CEO of Mynewsdesk AB, a position she has held on an interim basis since late last year. She will be a member of the Group Management team of NHST Media Group. Following 12 years with the group, Chief Strategy Officer Andreas Emblem has decided to leave NHST to seek new opportunities.

- Under Louise’s leadership, Mynewsdesk has completed an extensive turnaround to strengthen customer orientation and ensure profitable operations. I am very pleased that Louise accepted our offer to stay on as a permanent leader of the business, says Hege Yli Melhus Ask, Group CEO of NHST Media Group. Barnekow was appointed following a thorough internal recruitment process.

Barnekow says she is very pleased to be able to stay on as head of Mynewsdesk.

- We have managed to turn around the business during a short period of time. I look forward to working with the Mynewsdesk team to further develop the products in order to meet evolving customer expectations and increase revenues. We will strengthen the position of the market’s best platform for digital PR and communications, she says.

Reorganising the strategy function

Andreas Emblem, Chief Strategy Officer at NHST, has decided to leave the group. CFO Baard Haugen, who recently joined NHST from a CFO position at Elopak, will take over responsibility for strategy as of 2 September.

- Andreas har been part of the group management for 12 years and has been an important contributor to the development of NHST. During the last few years he has been a key player in the development of the software-as-a-service division. I want to thank him, and I wish him all the best, Ask says.

Ask comments that NHST has a Group Management team in place that is well equipped to make sure that the various group units develop in line with ambitious targets for profitable growth.

- The media industry is changing rapidly, along with new technology and changing user expectations. The Group Management members represent both continuity and change as well as the best available expertise within relevant competence areas. In short, we have a very strong team, Ask says.

The Group Management of NHST Media Group now consists of: 

  • Hege Yli Melhus Ask, Group CEO
  • Louise Barnekow, Executive Vice President of Mynewdesk (CEO of Mynewsdesk AB)
  • Amund Djuve, Executive Vice President in charge of Norwegian publications (Chief Editor and CEO of Dagens Næringsliv AS)
  • Petter Irgens Gustafson, Chief Technology Officer 
  • Baard Haugen, Chief Financial Officer
  • Trond Sundnes, Executive Vice President in charge of global publications (CEO NHST Global Publications AS)
  • Helle Øverbye, Executive Vice President in charge of People and Communications

For more informations and comments:

Hege Yli Melhus Ask, Group CEO NHST Media Group M: +47 41 44 29 52

Louise Barnekow, CEO in Mynewsdesk M: +46 70 991 80 91

Helle Øverbye, Chief People and Communications Officer M: +47 415 60 795

About NHST Media Group

NHST Media Group is a Norway-based media group producing publications that are leading within their respective niches. The group consists of three business areas: Norwegian publications (Dagens Næringsliv and Morgenbladet), NHST Global Publications (Tradewinds, Upstream, Recharge, Intrafish, Europower and Fiskeribladet), as well as Software-as-a-Service (Mynewsdesk and Mention, comprising digital PR distribution and social media monitoring). The group has about 700 employees based in a total of 17 countries. NHST’s main office is in Oslo, Norway.

Om Mynewsdesk

Mynewsdesk is the Nordic region's leading platform for digital PR and communication, with about 5,000 customers and 77,000 users. The cloud-based service includes media monitoring, news distribution, and PR analytics. The company was founded in 2003 in Stockholm. Since 2008, Mynewsdesk is a part of the Norwegian media group NHST Media Group AS.


Trond Sundnes

Trond Sundnes

Press contact CEO 91600214

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The NHST Media Group aims to be the best and leading provider of business news in Norway and a world leader in the following three market segments: shipping, seafood, and oil & gas. All our publications are to be characterised by journalistic thoroughness and quality, as well as by an ability to find the exclusive news that will surprise and involve our readers.

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