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強いメッセージを発信するフロントランナー・ブランド “エリー・ピストル”が Non-Violence コレクション「Fight Fighters with Flowers!」を発表

強いメッセージを発信するフロントランナー・ブランド “エリー・ピストル”が Non-Violence コレクション「Fight Fighters with Flowers!」を発表


Fashion with a purpose: Swedish streetwear brand Elly Pistol launches a Non-Violence collection

Fashion with a purpose: Swedish streetwear brand Elly Pistol launches a Non-Violence collection

Swedish street-and active wear brand Elly Pistol is in the fore front of the recent fashion with a purpose trend. Elly Pistol’s statement pieces are not just eye-catching clothes, they are actual statements for important and powerful messages. Their new collection is a collaboration with Non-Violence, a global NGO with a mission to inspire, motivate and engage people through education.

Elly Pistol lanserar Non-Violence kollektion som frontas av Dotter, Roshi Hoss och Renaida

Elly Pistol lanserar Non-Violence kollektion som frontas av Dotter, Roshi Hoss och Renaida

Street- och activewear märket Elly Pistol ingår samarbete med The Non-Violence Project Foundation, en ideell organisation vars syfte är att inspirera, motivera och engagera unga människor till att bättre förstå hur man löser konflikter utan våld genom utbildning. Kollektionen ”Fight fighters with flowers” lanseras den 12:e november med Dotter, Roshi Hoss och Renaida som ambassadörer.

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We inspire, motivate and engage people to learn how to solve conflicts peacefully through raising awareness and education.

The Non-Violence Project Foundation empowers people with creative tools and skills to cultivate awareness and understanding of non-violence, enabling them to overcome violence, leading to a virtuous cycle of positive impact. We believe that knowledge is power, and that creativity can help unlock the full potential of this power through skill-based learning and learning tools that are more engaging, impactful, and relevant to the needs of today and tomorrow.

We have educated more than 9 million people on five continents since the organisation was founded in 1993 in Switzerland. Our education programs and outreach initiatives have won several awards for best practise. President Obama awarded NVP the ”President’s Call to Service Award” in 2011. Other awards include the Presidential Daily Light Award, received by President Bill Clinton, the Paul Harris Fellow Award given by Rotary International, the American National Safety Council Award for best practise and the Weed & Seed Award given by US Justice Department in 2009.

It is thanks to our 30-year legacy, symbol of the Knotted Gun, innovative methods, and a growing community of change advocates like you that we can shape a more peaceful and non-violent world.

We are a non-profit based in Geneva, Switzerland, but operating globally, which means you can join us wherever you are.

For more information about us and our initiatives please visit or contact us at

The Non-Violence Project Foundation

Avenue Louis Casaï 18
1209 Geneva