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​ Increased interest in exporting KRAV-labelled food

At the Natural & Organic Products Asia (NOPA) exhibition in Hong Kong, producers and buyers from around the world meet. KRAV will have its own pavilion at the expo which takes place 31 August - 2 September 2016.

It is not only in Sweden that there is a great demand for KRAV-labelled and organic food. For the second year in a row KRAV has decided to have an exhibit at the food expo NOPA in Hong Kong. This year, twelve companies that have invested in organic and KRAV-certified production will join them.

One of the companies that decided to go along to Hong Kong this year is Scandinavian Organics, a company that specializes in producing fresh bouillons and soups using KRAV-labelled ingredients.

According to Nils Wetterlind at Scandinavian Organics, “In Asia, chicken and chicken broth is an enormously popular staple. However, fresh organic broth cannot be bought in grocery stores. Furthermore, there is great mistrust for local foods in South and East Asia. We therefore believe that an offer of Swedish organic food will be a great success. Working through KRAV is self-evident, as KRAV not only cares about animals and nature but also about clean, sustainable food.”

The KRAV standards comply with EU organic regulations as well as even tougher standards with regards to permitted additives, the climate impact of production, animal welfare, and the conditions of workers. As well, producing organically in Sweden is especially favourable as the environment is relatively free from contamination.

“At last year's expo, we noticed that a lot of attention was given to things that we take for granted, for example, that the water in most lakes is clean enough to drink, even for people. With our extra tough standards, it means that the KRAV-label represents the ultimate in organic production,” says Johan Cejie, Sales Manager at KRAV.

KRAV is a NGO that sets standards for organic food and develops the market for KRAV-certified production. The certification criteria are approved according to strict criteria applied by SWEDAC, the Swedish government’s national accreditation body.

“As interest for the KRAV-label in Southeast Asia was so clear at NOPA in 2015, we have decided to organize a pavilion there for at least three more years. We see exports as a great opportunity. There are millions of customers out there who are willing to pay for KRAV-labelled food,” says Johan Cejie.

Nils Wetterlind, Founder and CEO, Scandinavian Organics, +46 72-223 68 88
Johan Cejie, Sales Manager, KRAV, +46 70-665 93 76
Kristin Karlsson, Press Manager, KRAV, +46 70-665 95 30


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751 40 Uppsala