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Invest Europe CFO Forum 2016

Invest Europe CFO Forum 2016

Tid 24 Maj 2016 – 25 Maj 2016

Plats Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten Kempinski, Munich, Germany

The Invest Europe CFO Forum, 24-25 May in Munich, is the only annual pan-European event for CFOs, COOs and senior finance executives that is developed by industry practitioners. Leading financial executives join this conference every year to speak candidly about their daily challenges during roundtables held under Chatham House rules, gain the latest analysis on mission critical issues and get the latest updates on the regulatory environment. Participation of service providers is restricted to the limited number of supporting partners, allowing for deep dialogue in a non-commercial, collegiate environment. This year’s CFO Forum enables you to maximise your return on investment with an agenda that has been strategically designed for more content and networking without increasing time out of the office. Hear from Quadriga, Gilde Buy Out Partners, Lakestar, Cipio Partners, Riverside Europe and many more. We encourage PE executives to join this industry leading conference. For the full agenda and more information: www.investeurope.eu/cfo16 SVCA is a supporting association of the Forum and our members are entitled to a 15% discount on the standard tickets. To take advantage of the discount please apply the VIP code: CFOSV

SVCA är en intresseorganisation för aktörer inom private equity

Swedish Private Equity & Venture Capital Association (SVCA) är en intresseorganisation för aktörer inom private equity. SVCA har ca 70 ordinarie medlemmar. Medlemsföretagen är både aktörer som investerar i tidiga faser (s.k. venture capital) och aktörer som investerar i mogna företag med stabila kassaflöden.
Såväl statliga som privata aktörer är medlemmar i SVCA.

SVCA förmedlar inte riskkapital.


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111 43 Stockholm