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Meet Ig Nobel prize winners at Stockholm University

Meet Ig Nobel prize winners at Stockholm University

Tid 6 April 2018 12:30 – 14:00

Plats Galleriet, Studenthuset, Stockholms universitet, Universitetsvägen 2B

Can a cat be solid and liquid at the same time? How does a fetus respond to music in the mothers vagina? and How does the ability to lie change within a lifespan? The Ig Nobel Prizes are awarded every year for ten achievements that "first make people laugh, and then make them think". Meet three of the laureates. Watch the event at su.se/play.

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Marc Abrahams, Ig Nobel prize initiator

Marc-Antoine Fardin, winner of the Ig-Physics prize, for using fluid dynamics to probe the question "Can a Cat Be Both a Solid and a Liquid?".

Alex Garcia-Faura, winner of the Ig-Obstetrics prize, for showing that a developing human fetus responds more strongly to music that is played electromechanically inside the mother's vagina than to music that is played electromechanically on the mother's belly.

Bruno Verschuere, winner of the Ig-Psychology prize, for asking a thousand liars how often they lie, and for deciding whether to believe those answers.

What is the Ig Nobel Prize?

"The prizes are intended to celebrate the unusual, honor the imaginative, and spur people's interest in science, medicine, and technology", Marc Abrahams, editor of Annals of Improbable Research and co-sponsor of the awards. What is the Ig Nobel Prize?

More on the subject

The Ig-Physics prize: Read more about Marc-Antoine Fardins research in "On the Rehology of Cats"

The Ig-Obstetrics prize: Read more about Alex Garcia-Fauras research

Watch a fetus respond to intravaginal music

The Ig-Psychology prize: Read more about Bruno Verschueres research




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