From Purified Water to Perfect Play: How Coffee Fuels Dubai’s Desert Vipers Cricket Team
“Our partnership with Bluewater is about more than just hydration—it’s about creating a winning environment,” said Philip Oliver, CEO at the Desert Viper
“Our partnership with Bluewater is about more than just hydration—it’s about creating a winning environment,” said Philip Oliver, CEO at the Desert Viper
“By partnering with Bluewater and incorporating their advanced water purification systems into our gym, catering areas, and chase boats at our team base in Barcelona, we’ve significantly reduced our environmental impact while ensuring that our sailors and support team have access to clean, high-quality water that supports their health and performance," said Terry Hutchinson.
“Access to clean and sustainable drinking water is fundamentally intertwined with the international sporting community”, said Philip Russell, Chief Purpose Officer at Bluewater Group
“We aim to enhance the quality of life for our customers through Bluewater’s innovative products that support a healthier, more sustainable lifestyle," says Kamran Khan, CEO of Nia, Bluewater UAE sales partner.
Bluewater says the numerous studies investigating the health impact of single-use plastic bottles underscore the urgent need for consumers to take their safety into their own hands and ditch plastic bottles for alternatives such as sustainable stainless-steel bottles or glass bottles protected in a shatter-proofing silicon sleeve.
With an innovative application of its water purification technology and planet-friendly water bottles, Bluewater is positively contributing to our sustainability commitments by helping the team avoid single-use plastic water bottles.
Den världsledande innovatören inom vattenrening och drycker, Bluewater, kommer att lansera ett banbrytande system för vattenrening och mineralisering exklusivt designat för baristor på World of Coffee-mässan i Köpenhamn den 27-29 juni. Bluewater Café Station™ – designad för att hjälpa kvalitetsmedvetna baristor att förhöja kaffets smaker till nya nivåer – kan provas på monter DE-013 på Europas mes
“The stark reality of 600 billion single-use plastic bottles being produced annually, leading to environmental and health crises, is driving Bluewater to intensify its advocacy efforts,” said Bluewater CEO Bengt Rittri.
Stockholm, June 8, 2024 – Water purification and beverage innovator Bluewater marks this World Oceans Day 2024 with a call for an immediate ban on the ocean dumping of plastic waste which it describes as a ticking time bomb threatening the health of Planet Earth.
The Swedish-based company says the health threats posed by the pollution and contamination caused by the 600 billion bottles manufac
“We want to show that there are viable solutions available today to the overwhelming issue of single-use plastic bottles, most of which end up in landfill or our oceans," says Swedish ecopreneur Bengt Rittri, founder and CEO of Bluewater.
Already a smash hit in the United States with over 14,000 installations, the Bluewater Flow sets a new standard across the UK and Ireland for dispensing on-demand pure, great-tasting water in offices, gyms, hospitals, and schools ...
“The message we want to spread is that we will use our best efforts to minimise single-use plastic bottles through this association with Bluewater’s various water solutions.”
"Bluewater solutions are more than just an answer to clean, safer, and sustainable hydration; they represent a pivotal step towards our vision of a world free from plastic pollution and water impurities"
Together with Bluewater, we are not just delivering a great sporting event and high-quality hydration, but also promoting the sustainable development of golf in China and protecting our planet for future generations....
By prioritizing health, sustainability, and innovation, the Volvo China Open and Bluewater are leading the way in environmental stewardship within the sports industry...
Rent dricksvatten utan PFAS, mikroplaster, bly och föroreningar, men med alla väsentliga mineraler direkt i kranen – Bluewater lanserar Kitchen Station, världens mest avancerade system för rening och mineralisering av kranvatten i hemmet.
– Vår nya produkt gör att man kan vara säker på att dricksvattnet är rent från föroreningar och innehåller alla mineraler som människan behöver. Det kommer oc
Nyligen upptäcktes närvaron av skadliga PFAS-föroreningar i kranvattnet till 70 miljoner amerikaner och i Europa växer oron för att dessa substanser som kallas ’evighetskemikalier’. Därför uppmanar Bluewaters grundare och vd Bengt Rittri idag på Världsvattendag 2024, att hälso- och vattenmyndigheter ska prioritera vatten fritt från PFAS och andra kemikalier.
En ny Novus-undersökning visar att 93 procent av stockholmarna ser risken för att vattnet de dricker kan vara förorenat som ganska liten eller mycket liten. Samtidigt är PFAS-halterna i Stockholms kommunala vatten oroväckande höga.
En ny undersökning från Novus visar att 93 procent av svenskarna ser risken för att vattnet de dricker kan vara förorenat som ganska liten eller mycket liten. Samtidigt rapporterade SVT i januari 2024 att flera svenska vattenverk i dag levererar vatten med PFAS-halter över det svenska gränsvärdet.
Bluewater is committed to improving worldwide access to clean, safe, and sustainable drinking water and we are excited to have been part of the 2024 Arnold Sports Festival and support athletes and fans in their quest for healthy solutions that are good for them and for the planet,...
Bluewater is a world leader innovating, manufacturing, and commercializing water purification technologies and solutions for residential, business and public dispensing applications. Bluewater harnesses patented reverse osmosis technology to remove 99.97% of pollutants from water, including lead, bacteria, pesticides, medical residues, chlorine, microplastics and lime-scale.
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