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Topics: Water sports

The ocean can be a big empty, lonely space when on a solo trip around the world...

Self isolating? World solo sailing yachtswoman Dee Caffari shares her tips for staying in mental shape

Bluewater brand ambassador Dee Caffari knows a bit about isolation. During the Vendee Globe, she spent three months at sea alone and on the Aviva Challenge she was alone for six months on a 72ft boat with few creature comforts and no entertainment, apart from her karaoke skills. In this personal blog, Dee shares her strategies and learnings for dealing with an unfamiliar and scary situation.

Trailblazing gender equality based on skill and experience regardless of whether you are female or male (Credit: Rich Edwards_Volvo Ocean Race)

What's holding women back in science, technology, engineering and mathematics careers, asks Dee Caffari

Bluewater global ambassador Dee Caffari is not only a sporting hero at the top of her sailing game but also a true trailblazer when it comes to sustainability and gender equality. In her latest blog for Bluewater, Dee tackles what needs to be done to encourage more women to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), something we thoroughly endorse as a company.

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Bluewater innovates, manufactures and commercializes globally a complete range of premium reverse osmosis water purifiers for residential, business and public use

Bluewater is a world leader innovating, manufacturing, and commercializing water purification technologies and solutions for residential, business and public dispensing applications. Bluewater harnesses patented reverse osmosis technology to remove 99.97% of pollutants from water, including lead, bacteria, pesticides, medical residues, chlorine, microplastics and lime-scale.


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