Bluewater 与沃尔沃携手推动中国体育赛事的可持续发展
Bluewater stations are featuring at practically all major golf championships this year in Scotland from the Genesis Scottish open through the 150th Open and upcoming AIG Women's Open, saving tens of thousand of single-use plastic bottles from ending up in landfills and the oceans.
Incredible Bluewater "Wall of Water" will deliver over 6,000 litres of purified and chilled water a day to thirsty event goers.
"We are honoured to have been selected as a solutions provider by such highly respected golf championships, and we are looking forward to showcasing our range of sustainable hydrations solutions on site," says Bluewater events chief, Dave Noble
Bluewater establishes workshop and logistics centre in Dundee, Scotland and creates new sales organisation for UK events, venues and water purifier business.
Philip’s strategic appointment signals Bluewater’s intent to double down on our mission to deliver world-class hydration solutions and services that can help premium events transform their environmental business ecosphere and shift from a plastic bottle model to a financial and sustainable model that benefits their profitability and the health of the planet.
Players competing at The 149th Open have been provided with sustainable, reusable Bluewater bottles to help The R&A battle single-use plastic bottles
... the elite players have each been given unique, individualised double-wall, stainless-steel water bottles from Swedish water brand Bluewater that marry top functional performance to keep drinks cold for up to 24 hours (or hot for 12 hours) with clean design aesthetics, rock solid green credentials, and a lifetime warranty.
R&A, som arrangerar AIG Women’s Open, förser spelarna i startfältet med en personlig Bluewater flaska med deras eget namn ingraverat för att uppmärksamma på behovet att minska användningen av engångsflaskor i plast som ofta hamnar i haven och som det tar hundratals år att bryta ner
Bluewater is a world leader innovating, manufacturing, and commercializing water purification technologies and solutions for residential, business and public dispensing applications. Bluewater harnesses patented reverse osmosis technology to remove 99.97% of pollutants from water, including lead, bacteria, pesticides, medical residues, chlorine, microplastics and lime-scale.
Danderydsgatan 11
114 26 Stockholm