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Webinar: How to communicate during a crisis
Webinar: How to communicate during a crisis

Webinar: How to communicate during a crisis

Termin 23. April 2020 11:00 – 11:35

Ort Online

We are currently finding ourselves in a time of crisis, and a crisis of any sort has the potential to tarnish a brand’s reputation. However, if handled wisely, brands can come out on the other side stronger than they were before. In such situations, crisis communication is key.

But what is crisis communication, and what steps can brands take to survive such situations? Together with Eva Berglie from Paulig and Lasse Sandaker-Nielsen from Norwegian, we’ll address these questions and more.


  • Examples of how to handle a crisis
  • What steps a crisis plan should cover
  • How to turn a crisis into a win

Join us on April 23 from 11:00-11:35 CET. Sign up here!



Tina Leithold

Tina Leithold

Pressekontakt Marcomms Mynewsdesk DACH PR, Kommunikation, Marketing +49 159 04 37 90 84


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