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Benidorm jumps into the Metaverse

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Benidorm jumps into the Metaverse

The pandemic has brought with it a digital revolution. The new traveler now is also more digital, more foresighted and is looking for inspiration digitally and virtually. Travel restrictions around the world have also brought several changes in tourism trends and the way that the travellers get tourist information.

That is why Benidorm presents BenidormLand in the new SIX3D Metaverse where will continue promoting the destination in tourism targeted at a digitalised public in the “gamer” field with future possibilities of expanding to a wider target. This is a pilot project between SIX3D and Benidorm, and this is a trial version of concept for a future application and a window of opportunities.

But what is the Metaverse?

It is an immersive virtual reality version of the Internet, where people are able to interact with digital objects and their own avatars. It’s a virtual world.

The presence in this parallel virtual world is a show-case of the destination, like a website (a well known term), that allows to the users to wander through its streets, and in the future even explore theme and adventure parks, hotels, restaurants...

The explosion in the field of information and communications technology with the appearance of many new technological platforms, such as the Metaverse, requires that tourist destinations and companies constantly innovate, to keep up with new trends.

Innovation in the tourist promotion of Benidorm has been part of its DNA since the times of Pedro Zaragoza, and undoubtedly tourist intelligence in the field of Smart Tourist Destination, with active monitoring of trends, has led us to continue this way, and again by hand of the Spanish talent. The SIX3D team has been the perfect tandem to develop “Benidorm Land” gradually.

Benidorm Land will allow to broaden the experience previous to the trip, in an immersive way that we are now developing through the website and social media. It is an interesting way to inspire and emote with the future trip, to know Benidorm before traveling here, to know how it is, if it corresponds with your needs, to learn more about the place you are going to… Walk, fly over the Castell, go down the stairs to the round little square (Replaceta) and see it even from the sea (where only a drone could take you to this contemplation). And this virtual space only requires a computer or virtual reality glasses, technologies that now are so reachable for us.

The aim of this project is to create more unique and full experiences for the consumers that every day become more and more digital.

It will be possible to bring a reference in tourism such as Benidorm to the Gen Alpha and Gen Z and turn today's young gamers into tourists of the future. WE'RE TALKING ABOUT AN OPPORTUNITY TO REACH OVER 140 MILLION USERS ON STEAM, the gaming platform where the SIX3D Metaverse will launch in May.

Any smart destination strategy should consider to start using this digital space, even if it serves only in these first steps to inspire users to visit and to return to the tourist destination, but first of all to be adjusted to the new situation that the future is bringing us.

More info here.

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Official Spanish Tourism Authority in Finland

TURESPAÑA’s remit as an organisation is to promote Spain as a destination abroad, doing so by means of:

Promotion and marketing of tourism products and destinations in international markets, in collaboration with the regional authorities (Comunidades Autónomas), local authorities and the private sector.
Drawing up the bases of tourism policy, doing so in collaboration with other state organisations, public authorities and the private sector through the Sector-Based Tourism Conference (Conferencia Sectorial del Turismo), the Spanish Tourism Board (Consejo Español de Turismo) and the Interministerial Tourism Committee (Comisión Interministerial de Turismo).
Supporting Spanish tourism firms abroad and also expediting international tourism cooperation and relations.
Analysing knowledge and intelligence of the tourism economy and bringing it to wider notice.
Drawing up plans and programmes to foster innovation, quality, sustainability and competitiveness of tourism products and destinations.
Driving the modernisation of the tourism sector, improving its scientific and technological capacity and enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of management processes.
Strategy and investment of Paradores de Turismo de España S.A (the company running the state-owned hotel network)
TURESPAÑA carries out its activity abroad through the network of Spanish Tourism Offices (Oficinas Españolas de Turismo), which depend on Spain’s embassies and consulates.

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