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Spain will invest 35 million euros in rehabilitation of historical heritage sites

Spain will invest 35 million euros in rehabilitation of historical heritage sites

This investment is part of the Modernisation and Competitiveness Plan for the tourism sector financed with European funds. The renovation, restoration or rehabilitation projects affect the Museum of Tarragona and the Museum of Cáceres; the castles of Sagunto (Valencia), Adsubia (Alicante) and Santed (Zaragoza); the walls of Zamora and Burgo de Osma (Soria); and the National Library, the Reina Sof

Starting today, travelling to Spain is easier: Spain removes the SpTH Health Check Form

Starting today, travelling to Spain is easier: Spain removes the SpTH Health Check Form

From 6 April 2022, the SpTH Health Check Form is no longer needed to enter Spain for all passengers, regardless of their country of departure, who have an EU DIGITAL COVID CERTIFICATE OR EU EQUIVALENT of vaccination against COVID-19 or a negative certificate of a diagnostic test for active infection or a certificate of recovery after having passed this disease. Children under 12 years of age and t

The Spanish Tourism Institute and Netflix launch "Spain Travel Guide" and a short film contest to highlight the diversity of Spain through fiction

The Spanish Tourism Institute and Netflix launch "Spain Travel Guide" and a short film contest to highlight the diversity of Spain through fiction

● The guide covers the 17 autonomous regions and shows the cultural, environmental and local leisure richness through stories.

● In addition, both entities have presented the short film contest “How would you say it is Spain without saying it?”, aimed at inspiring students to create stories that highlight the diversity of Spanish cities and towns.
The growth of audiovisual productions in

Spanish Government and Autonomous Regions agree to invest 720 million euros in tourist destinations

Spanish Government and Autonomous Regions agree to invest 720 million euros in tourist destinations

The Tourism Sustainability Plans will reserve 50 million for food and wine projects. Reyes Maroto: "We continue to improve the tourism competitiveness of our destinations throughout the country, both on the coast and in our inland cities and towns." 170 million euros are distributed among the Autonomous Regions to finance energy efficiency and circular economy projects in tourist accommodation. <

Spain launches the largest information portal for its audiovisual industry: Spain Audiovisual Hub

Spain launches the largest information portal for its audiovisual industry: Spain Audiovisual Hub

The new portal called Spain Audiovisual Hub can be found on the website
The new portal is meant to be the single point of entry to information about the Spanish audiovisual industry, the companies that make it up, its activity and its diversity. The portal also aims at showcasing the most relevant Spanish productions such as films, television series,

Spain will invest 100 million euros to enrich tourism through the "Spain Tourism Experiences" programme

Spain launches the first call of a programme with 26 million euros in 2022
The Spanish Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism has opened the period to apply for aid from the Spain Tourism Experiences programme, financed in its first call with 26 million euros from the Next Generation EU recovery funds.
With a total budget of 100 million euros until 2023, this initiative aims to increase an

Spain is promoted as a tourist destination during the Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival

On the occasion of the 25th edition of the Black Nights Film Festival, which takes place in Tallinn (Estonia) from 12-28 November 2021, the Embassy of Spain in Estonia and the Spanish Tourist Office in Helsinki, responsible for the Finnish and Estonian markets, participate in the Film Festival with several actions aimed at promoting Spain and supporting the organisation of the festival.


The Almond Blossom Festival in Tejeda (Gran Canaria), declared of National Tourist Interest

The Almond Blossom Festival in Tejeda (Gran Canaria) has been declared of National Tourist Interest after the signing of the declaration by the Spanish Secretary of State for Tourism, Fernando Valdés.
“In one of the most beautiful towns in Spain, a biosphere reserve and an essential part of the landscape of Risco Caído and the Sacred Mountains ­-a UNESCO World Heritage Site-, one of the key cul

Julio Enrique Jiménez, new director of the Spanish Tourist Office in Helsinki

The Spanish Tourist Office in Helsinki welcomes its new director: Mr. Julio Enrique Jiménez has been appointed director of the Spanish Tourist Office responsible for the Finnish and Estonian markets since the beginning of September. Together with the rest of the Tourspain team, he will address the great changes and challenges in tourism caused by the pandemic. According to Tourspain, the aim is to

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Official Spanish Tourism Authority in Finland

TURESPAÑA’s remit as an organisation is to promote Spain as a destination abroad, doing so by means of:

Promotion and marketing of tourism products and destinations in international markets, in collaboration with the regional authorities (Comunidades Autónomas), local authorities and the private sector.
Drawing up the bases of tourism policy, doing so in collaboration with other state organisations, public authorities and the private sector through the Sector-Based Tourism Conference (Conferencia Sectorial del Turismo), the Spanish Tourism Board (Consejo Español de Turismo) and the Interministerial Tourism Committee (Comisión Interministerial de Turismo).
Supporting Spanish tourism firms abroad and also expediting international tourism cooperation and relations.
Analysing knowledge and intelligence of the tourism economy and bringing it to wider notice.
Drawing up plans and programmes to foster innovation, quality, sustainability and competitiveness of tourism products and destinations.
Driving the modernisation of the tourism sector, improving its scientific and technological capacity and enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of management processes.
Strategy and investment of Paradores de Turismo de España S.A (the company running the state-owned hotel network)
TURESPAÑA carries out its activity abroad through the network of Spanish Tourism Offices (Oficinas Españolas de Turismo), which depend on Spain’s embassies and consulates.

Espanjan Matkailutoimisto

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00130 Helsinki

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