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Six Spanish videos are running for the title of World’s Best Tourism Film

Six Spanish videos are running for the title of World’s Best Tourism Film

The online competition to choose the World’s Best Tourism Film - CIFFT “People’s Choice” Award 2020, runs till 25th October. The initiative by the International Committee of Tourism Film aims to let people discover new tourist destinations through video and vote for their favourite. In this third edition, there are 31 candidate videos from 16 countries. Among them, there are six Spanish productions.

The videos “Help” y “Tú me acostumbraste”, by Ayuntamiento de Madrid; “Hunger for Experiences”, by Diputación de Pontevedra – Turismo Rías Baixas; “Magic Cordoba”, by Patronato Provincial de Turismo de Córdoba; “The Captain”, by Patronato Municipal de Turismo de Conil; and “Toledo Alfonso X” by Ayuntamiento de Toledo; represent Spain in the CIFFT “People’s Choice” Award 2020 competition, which aims at drawing attention to the huge potential of video for the promotion of tourist destinations and for creating bonds with visitors.

The videos in Spanish show to the public the diversity and variety of the tourism experiences in the country with creative messages, sounds and images that take your breath away.

Tourism is considered one of the main drivers of the Spanish economy. During the last years, the country has invested more and more in the promotion of its tourism assets and has being using video as a tool for it. As a result, they have won many international awards in the best tourism film festivals in the world, which are part of the Grand Prix CIFFT Circuit, the “Oscars” for tourism.

According to Alexander V. Kammel, CIFFT director, “it is time for the public to discover and vote for the videos that are increasing the bar for excellence in the promotion of tourist destinations, products and services. The Grand Prix CIFFT Circuit, together with the CIFFT "People's Choice" Award is the biggest competition in the industry of tourism video and your vote can make a difference when choosing the best one".

If you want to watch all the videos running for the CIFFT “People’s Choice” Award 2020 and vote for your favourite, visit The winner will be announced on 26th October on the CIFFT website and its social networks.


Created in 1989, CIFFT brings together the world's best tourism film festivals in a unique initiative – the Grand Prix CIFFT Circuit – that aims at recognising and rewarding the best tourism audio visual productions.

CIFFT has 17 festivals all over the world, including Los Angeles, New York, Cannes, Zagreb, Riga, Berlin and Portugal, amongst others. Spain is also represented in the circuit by the terres Travel Festival – Films & Creativity, which takes place takes every year in Tortosa, the capital of the Terres de l’Ebre region, a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve since 2013. The event is organised by Filmsnòmades, and supported by the Ayuntamiento de Tortosa.

The mission of CIFFT is the promotion of the creativity and economic development of the Travel Video Marketing Industry related to the promotion of tourist destinations, products and services. In partnership with the endorsers - UNWTO (World Tourism Organization), ETC (European Travel Commission), CTO (Caribbean Tourism Organization), and CATA (Centro America Tourism Association) – CIFFT works to encourage tourism destinations to achieve the excellence in promoting their products, services, and locations using video.




Espanjan Matkailutoimisto

Press contact

Official Spanish Tourism Authority in Finland

TURESPAÑA’s remit as an organisation is to promote Spain as a destination abroad, doing so by means of:

Promotion and marketing of tourism products and destinations in international markets, in collaboration with the regional authorities (Comunidades Autónomas), local authorities and the private sector.
Drawing up the bases of tourism policy, doing so in collaboration with other state organisations, public authorities and the private sector through the Sector-Based Tourism Conference (Conferencia Sectorial del Turismo), the Spanish Tourism Board (Consejo Español de Turismo) and the Interministerial Tourism Committee (Comisión Interministerial de Turismo).
Supporting Spanish tourism firms abroad and also expediting international tourism cooperation and relations.
Analysing knowledge and intelligence of the tourism economy and bringing it to wider notice.
Drawing up plans and programmes to foster innovation, quality, sustainability and competitiveness of tourism products and destinations.
Driving the modernisation of the tourism sector, improving its scientific and technological capacity and enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of management processes.
Strategy and investment of Paradores de Turismo de España S.A (the company running the state-owned hotel network)
TURESPAÑA carries out its activity abroad through the network of Spanish Tourism Offices (Oficinas Españolas de Turismo), which depend on Spain’s embassies and consulates.

Espanjan Matkailutoimisto

Pohjoinen Makasiinikatu 6 A
00130 Helsinki

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