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València crowned European Capital of Smart Tourism 2022

A total of 30 destinations from 16 countries submitted initiatives to the European Union and València has been recognised, together with Burdeaux, for this award.

València has been named European Capital of Smart Tourism 2022. The city's candidacy has been chosen by a jury of the European Commission, specialising in accessibility, sustainability, digitisation, cultural heritage and creativity. València's commitment to developing projects that promote smart tourism; networking and promoting the development of innovatives, sustainable and inclusive tourism, were recognised and cemented the jury’s decision.

A total of 30 applications from 16 different countries submitted initiatives, including Bordeaux (France), Copenhagen (Denmark), Dublin (Ireland), Florence (Italy) and Palma (Spain).

The Councillor for Tourism of the València City Council, Emiliano García, affirmed that this distinction from the EU "represents recognition of the work on sustainability that the València destination is developing, together with the business sector."

“València is positioning itself as a cosmopolitan, intelligent and sustainable tourist destination, at the level of the large tourist cities and European capitals. We are leading pioneering projects in terms of sustainability, such as the one relating to the calculation, certification and reduction of carbon and water footprints; or the development of a complete Tourist Intelligence System. We are positioning ourselves as a destination for international filming thanks to the constitution of the Film Office; We are the World Capital of Design, and in parallel, we continue to maximize the value and visibility of our most traditional heritage, both tangible and intangible ”, he added.

“We are very clear about what our most important assets are and we maximize them. This news is a stimulus to continue growing, to make València increasingly accessible, sustainable and digitized ”, concluded the mayor.

Supported by a panel of experts in communication and brand development, València will produce a promotional video, a large sculpture including a hashtag that will be installed in a prominent place in the city and various promotional activities within the European Union to support visibility and awareness of the award in 2022.

Commitment to sustainability

València has developed its tourism strategy on the pillar of sustainability, promoting projects that allow progress and meet the DMO’s sustainable development goals. Among these projects and taking into consideration the city’s economic, social and environmental impact is the recent audit of its carbon and water footprint of tourism activity. Through the reduction and compensation of tourism related activities, València aims to be carbon neutral by 2025.

Increased accessibility

Significant efforts have been made to increase the space dedicated to pedestrians. Showcasing València’s commitment to mobility, more than 156 km of bike lanes have been created in the city, the promotion of facilities with special equipment has increased,architectural barriers have been eliminated and multiple projects have been developed to adapt the tourist offer to ensure those with reduced mobility can enjoy everything the city has to offer.

Tech improving the tourist experience

Aimed at easing the decision-making process in the business sector, communication tools such as tourist chatbots, smart tourist information kiosks - which help travelers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week - as well as geocaching experiences to discover the city’s attractions are some examples of the digital advances Valencia has taken to connect with visitors via tech.

Preservation of history

A city full of cultural heritage, historical character and UNESCO World Heritage Sites, València is committed to the preservation of its key tourism offerings and attractions. In addition to the journey to declare Paella as Intangible Heritage of Humanity, the candidacy also highlighted other international recognitions - such as the World Capital of Design 2022 award - as well as the synergies created between the cultural, creative and tourism industries.

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Espanjan Matkailutoimisto

Press contact

Official Spanish Tourism Authority in Finland

TURESPAÑA’s remit as an organisation is to promote Spain as a destination abroad, doing so by means of:

Promotion and marketing of tourism products and destinations in international markets, in collaboration with the regional authorities (Comunidades Autónomas), local authorities and the private sector.
Drawing up the bases of tourism policy, doing so in collaboration with other state organisations, public authorities and the private sector through the Sector-Based Tourism Conference (Conferencia Sectorial del Turismo), the Spanish Tourism Board (Consejo Español de Turismo) and the Interministerial Tourism Committee (Comisión Interministerial de Turismo).
Supporting Spanish tourism firms abroad and also expediting international tourism cooperation and relations.
Analysing knowledge and intelligence of the tourism economy and bringing it to wider notice.
Drawing up plans and programmes to foster innovation, quality, sustainability and competitiveness of tourism products and destinations.
Driving the modernisation of the tourism sector, improving its scientific and technological capacity and enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of management processes.
Strategy and investment of Paradores de Turismo de España S.A (the company running the state-owned hotel network)
TURESPAÑA carries out its activity abroad through the network of Spanish Tourism Offices (Oficinas Españolas de Turismo), which depend on Spain’s embassies and consulates.

Espanjan Matkailutoimisto

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00130 Helsinki

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