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Rudolf Steiner: The Guardian of the Threshold, 8th Scene (Foto: Georg Tedeschi)
Rudolf Steiner: The Guardian of the Threshold, 8th Scene (Foto: Georg Tedeschi)

Press release -

“A Spirituality that Gives Courage without Denying Fear”. ​Summer Festival week with four Mystery Dramas by Rudolf Steiner

Goetheanum, Dornach, Switzerland, 23th May 2019

“A Spirituality that Gives Courage without Denying Fear”
Summer Festival week with four Mystery Dramas by Rudolf Steiner

Experiences that are unusual, unpredictable or threatening make us feel uncertain, fearful and powerless. In his Mystery Dramas Rudolf Steiner shows situations where fear and disorientation lead to an understanding of one‘s own relationship with others and the world.

“What I experience inside has increasingly an immediate effect on the outside – there is no buffer or protective zone in between”, says Gioia Falk, who is the artistic director in the present production of Rudolf Steiner‘s Mystery Dramas at the Goetheanum. Mystery Dramas project inner processes outside. In his dramas Rudolf Steiner presents human beings as they experience inner challenges in their encounters with each other and try to work together in their lives. The one succeeds, the other fails.

Through spiritual realism and in the personalities of the protagonists we encounter our own existential questions. Stefan Hasler, director of the Goetheanum Stage, says, “Fear and disorientation are an expression of how we experience the impact of spiritual experiences. The images of the Mystery Dramas can help us relate our own vulnerable soul situation to the experience of standing at the abyss”. Gioia Falk adds another aspect, “When I participate in the outside world as it is, I may well hear my conscience speaking and in my actions I take responsibility.”

The General Anthroposophical Section, the Medical Section and the Youth Section at the Goetheanum complement the performance of the four Dramas at the Summer Festival week by embedding them in a programme that focuses on “Fear and Health”. Joan Sleigh of the General Anthroposophical Section says, “The Mystery Dramas allow us to engage with a spirituality that does not deny fear but encourages us to find our own strength by approaching it consciously.”

(1792 characters/SJ; translation by Margot Saar)

Performances (in German) Four Mystery Dramas by Rudolf Steiner, Goetheanum Stage Conference (lectures and work groups in German and English) Spirituality – Fear and Health. Challenges for Individuals and Society, 29th July to 4th August 2019, Goetheanum Limited special offer for under 35s 250 CHF (incl. meals and accommodation), Information

Contact Katrin Oesteroth, +41 61 706 42 50,

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The Goetheanum is the headquarters for the School of Spiritual Science and the General Anthroposophical Society. The School of Spiritual Science with its eleven sections is active worldwide in research, development, teaching, and the practical implementation of its research findings and is supported by the Anthroposophical Society.


Sebastian Jüngel

Sebastian Jüngel

Press contact Communications Coordinator +41 61 706 44 63

School of Spiritual Science

The Goetheanum is the headquarters for the School of Spiritual Science and the General Anthroposophical Society. The School of Spiritual Science with its twelve sections is active worldwide in research, development, teaching, and the practical implementation of its research findings and is supported by the Anthroposophical Society.


Rüttiweg 45
4143 Dornach

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