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Hack for Earth Foundation and the United Nations join hands at Expo 2020

Hack for Earth Foundation will collaborate with the United Nations to promote the Sustainable Development Goals through the Hack for Earth project that will be implemented at Expo2020, opening October 1st2021 in Dubai.

"This collaboration with the United Nations will create unique possibilities for us to build the international platform for citizen-driven innovation that the world needs to tackle the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s). We welcome the collaboration with the United Nations, and look forward to working together at Expo 2020 to promote the SDGs and more. This is just the beginning of the Hack for Earth movement", says Ann Molin, Founder and Secretary General of the Hack for Earth Foundation.

By connecting people from all around the world in the global online hackathon* Hack for Earth, the goal is to find real sustainable tech solutions to the SDG’s. All 190+ participating countries at the upcoming world exhibition Expo2020, and their citizens, are invited to join in Hack for Earth. 

Connecting minds, creating the future

Hack for Earth is the embodiment of the Expo2020 spirit - “connecting minds, creating the future”. Citizens of the world will work together in an online global hackathon* with the explicit mission to find real tech solutions addressing the SDG’s. In a post Covid-19 world Hack for Earth has an important part to play at the world exhibition Expo2020. By digitally bringing the Expo2020 to people all around the world, Hack for Earth will make it possible for everyone, even those who cannot travel, to be an active part of creating the future our planet needs. 

Citizen-driven innovation

At the heart of Hack for Earth is co-creation and innovation. By inviting all citizens to be part of the solutions that the world needs to achieve the SDG’s – a core value for the Hack for Earth Foundation - this is the concept of “citizen-driven innovation”. A hackathon* is one way to combine co-creation and innovation in a hands-on manner to create citizen-driven innovation. By bringing people with different backgrounds, nationalities and competences together to work in teams on specific challenges with a clear focus on sustainability, diversity and impact, anyone who is passionate about global change can participate.

“The United Nations presence at Expo 2020 will create a unique opportunity for the world to come together after COVID-19 with reinvigorated commitment to multilateralism and global cooperation, especially around the SDGs. The collaboration with Hack for Earth will leverage untapped potential from around the world to finding solutions to accelerate climate action and the implementation of the SDGs” says Commissioner General of the United Nations at Expo2020, Mr. Maher Nasser. 

Real solutions for the world of tomorrow

Hack for Earth will gather the global innovation ecosystem from citizens to global organisations, private companies, public sector, academia and non-profit organisations to collaborate and innovate. After the hackathon prize ceremony on December 15th 2021, the winning solutions will be submitted to a high standard, customized accelerator program organized by the Hack for Earth Foundation. Hack for Earth is a proven concept, inspired by the government mission Hack for Sweden.

Dream for Earth

Launching on May 17th, the interactive campaign Dream for Earth will invite people all around the world to share their dream for the future, related to the SDG’s. The dreams submitted will shape the foundation of the challenges in the hackathon* Hack for Earth, opening in October 2021.

The global Dream for Earth campaign will help us find out what future people are dreaming about connected to the SDG’s, and create a solid foundation for the challenges in the hackathon. The purpose is also to engage and involve citizens in the SDG’s, inviting all people to be part of creating the solutions the world needs.

More information
Want to join our mission for a brighter future? More information here:

*A hackathon is a competition in innovation. In a short period of time, people called “hackers” work in teams to create solutions to predefined challenges.

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  • #citizendriven

Hack for Earth Foundation is a non-profit organisation with the focus of bringing people together to create real tech solutions to the UN 17 SDGs by citizen driven innovation. We believe in three good things: Sustainability, Diversity and Impact. We are organising the global online hackathon Hack for Earth at the upcoming world exhibition Expo2020 in Dubai opening in October 2021, inviting all participating countries and their citizens to join. 



Ann Molin

Press contact Founder & Secretary General Hack for Earth Foundation +46 708 27 48 49

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