Press release -

ASPLUND –Stockholm design week 2020

A remarkable amount of design is like fireworks; they light up the night sky for a moment but it soon returns to darkness.
​We want to 
leave a lasting impression.

ASPLUND has existed for 30 years. We were born in the last millennium, and much of what you would have encountered in our shop in 1990 still thrives today, like the storage series SNOW by Thomas Sandell and Jonas Bohlin. To be consistent can also be a form of development. We think so. Our furniture should have the ability to accompany many removals, take on new roles in life with a function and beauty that finds new generations.

To find an eternal expression is more important today than ever. Obviously for the sustainability of our world, but also for the sustainability of talented craftsmen in Sweden. We see too many dedicated souls shutting down their workshops because today’s mass production dictates the terms.

Last year, one of ASPLUND’s dearest carpentry manufacturers closed for good. It caused problems in many ways. Production ceased over night. People lost their livelihood. Deliveries terminated. Our customers had to wait a very, very long time for their orders (a big thank you for your patience) but most importantly, irreplaceable skills were lost in our country.

For our anniversary year, we have searched for replacements and found four. Four skilled manufacturers who now can take the ASPLUND classics forward, realize the news that have just premiered and all those that are waiting around the corner.​

These are the news we are presenting during the Stockholm Design Week 2020

Tokyo/ Tokyo 4
​An exhibition with four unique pieces marks the start of a new storage series that will come to the market later in 2020. Designed by Anya Sebton and Eva Lilja Löwenhielm. A series with storage for the centre of the room that is actually the precursor to our popular Palais series.

See a separate pressrelease from ASPLUND about the Tokyo 4 project.

The Chamfer
The Chamfer series by Mattias Stenberg has earlier been produced in form of a shelf-system. When Asplund got the opportunity to produce the series we wanted to make it our own and played with sizes, functions and materials. The result is four different sizes of coffee- and sidetables that can be combined into a shelfing system.

For Stockholm furniture fair we have also developed unique versions of the Chamfer tables and played with different materials as stone and lacquers.

The Aurora
A new carpet designed by Singapore and Porto-based designer Gabriel Tan.
​"I found inspiration in the fascination but elusive natural phenomena of the Nordic countries. Personally the Aurora is almost like a holy grail, because despite a few trips to the far north it has always escaped me", says Gabriel. 

"We experimented with different colour variants of the aurora such as purple and bright green but found that we wanted to present a more classic and warmer palette more suited to the home", Gabriel explains.

The carpet is handtufted in a Wool and Tencel blend.

Created by the design duo Färg & Blanche. This carpet is inspired from Japanese knots and rope binding. This carpet is named after the belt that is part of a Geishas Kimono. The intention is to give the effect of an upblown shape, a three dimensional organic form on a flat surface.

This piece was first shown by ASPLUND at the exhibition AMOUR mon AMOUR in Milan in 2017

​Swedish interior designer Nina Kullberg has developed a series of carpets for ASPLUND. With inspiration from the American Hard Edge art form developed during the sixties Nina has created two carpets with geometrical shapes that captures the minimalistic Scandinavian style in both pattern and in the colour set.

Both carpets are handtufted in a Wool and Tencel blend.

The Library Carpet
For the public library at the newly renovated National Museum in Stockholm, we were able to create a unique carpet together with Emma Olbers. It won the Interior Design Of The Year 2019 at the AD Magazine contest in Germany. Emma Olbers also won ELLE Deco Design Awards 2020. 

The Webb & The Wedge Carpets
Geometric patterns and especially circular shapes have, been a recurring item throughout Marie- Louise Hellgrens designs and the Wedge and Web carpets are not an exception. However, there is a subtle twist to the patterns, if you take a closer look you may find small spontaneous variations to the hand-sketched geometric designs. For Marie-Louise it is always important that her work includes humor, subtle energy that, at a first glance may look symmetric, but then surprises you with something new every time you look.​

​”Timeless design together with a sustainable and circular way of thinking have always been important for me. Every piece that I create should have a subtle presence and a message without being intrusive" says Marie- Louise.

Web is inspired by cobweb, which is both strong, fragile, beautiful, radiant and treacherous, all at the same time. The empty space in the center of the carpet is a reminder of centering into ones center and stillness, a symbol of the eye of the hurricane and creates a radiant sunray like image.

Palais Bourbon
​A new coffee table, an addition to our Palais series is launched. 


  • Architecture


  • asplund collection 2020
  • asplund news 2020
  • tokyo 4
  • the chamfer
  • asplund carpets-inspiration images

ASPLUND - one of the most prominent Scandinavian design companies founded in 1990 by brothers Michael and Thomas Asplund. Starting as a gallery, the company have transitioned into a one of a kind design institution. Many customers have described what makes ASPLUND different to other Nordic companies and that is that the Collection shows its own essence of Swedish functional and minimalistic style with an International elegance and a little touch of playfulness. The company consists of ASPLUND Collection (furniture and carpets assigned the ASPLUND brand), The ASPLUND Store (a high-end design store, were you can find both pieces from ASPLUND Collection among with other prominent design brands), ASPLUND KÖK (kitchen assigned the ASPLUND brand), ASPLUND Studio and ASPLUND Contract, which offer customized interior solutions for all types of projects.


Sandra Adrian Asplund

Press contact Creative Director 08-6657368

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