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Information från F.R.E.E AUSTRALIA PARTY - Frihetspartiets broderparti!

Frihetspartiet har ett broder- eller systerparti i Australien – F.R.E.E AUSTRALIA PARTY. Frihetspartiet väljer efter samråd att publicera den senaste informationsutväxlingen, dels för att informera om våra vänners kommande val och dels för att peka på identiska svårigheter och förhållanden:    

Our elections (State) are on March 20 and we are working very hard to get someone in, or change government.  As we are unable currently to have a candidate run in every lower house seat (there are 47 "vacancies") we will be providing recommendations to our supporters of who they can vote for in the first instance that keeps our main problem party (Labor) last on their ballot paper. In this way we hope to have an impact on government as well.  We have 4 lower house candidates and two upper house candidates.

To gain an upper house seat in South Australia we need approx 30,000 votes, or 8.3%. We are in with a chance of doing this, but it will be a long shot if we succeed.To gain a lower house seat requires much less in the way of votes as there are less candidates running in specific electoral districts. If we do not succeed it is concerning because then our government will view this as a mandate to tighten the screws tighter with more oppressive laws. Our federal elections (whole nation) are also happening this year and we plan to stand for them as well. On a State level election we needed 200 members, which we very easily exceeded, for a Federal level election we need 500 members which is also no problem.

Our manifesto has been designed to cater to the whole of the nation as far as its policies are concerned. Like yourself we, while continuing to be built upon a platform of support for bikers, have had to have a multi policy approach; as we should, being a political Party. Social justice is the catch cry for the Party as these laws are completely against any measure of social justice, and are in fact tearing apart the very fabric of society.

We too wish you much success in your political aspirations. It is with reluctance that we go into this arena of life, but go we will because it needs to be done.


Craig Hendry

Chair & Policies - F.R.E.E AUSTRALIA PARTY


  • Brott, juridik, rättsfrågor


  • nystartat parti
  • val 2010
  • frihetspartiet
  • free australia party

Frihetspartiet är inget enfrågesparti. Frihetspartiet kommer inte heller att ta ställning för vare sig det ena eller andra blocket. Frihetspartiet kommer att föra en politik som vare sig kan definieras såsom socialistisk eller kapitalistisk. Frihetspartiets politik sätter istället den enskilda, lilla och illa förtrampade människan i centrum av tillvaron. Vår politik formar och bygger ett nytt samhällssystem runt den enskilda vanliga människan som vilar på en trygg värdegrund av "Moral och Sunt Förnuft", utan att snegla på vare sig den ena politiska ideologin eller den andra.


Martin Arvidsson

Presskontakt Sekreterare och Vice talesman Svarar för partiets framträdanden och intervjuer 0738- 08 81 72

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