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DNT RYE - live på Glashuset WY13- fri entré

DNT RYE - live på Glashuset WY13- fri entré

Tid 15 Februari 2018 20:00 – 22:00

Plats Hellstens Glashus, Wollmar Yxkullsgatan 13, T-Mariatorget, Stockholm

Combine a pop-indie vibe with great cinematic productions and there you have it. DNT RYE is a duo made of singer/songwriter Alma Bjellerup and writer/producer Simon Westerdahl.

DNT RYE is a combination of lucky circumstances and the belief of working hard - two people meeting at a festival with over 50.000 participants and deciding to make music together.

On this special night they will will play acoustic versions of their own songs along with some original interpretations of.covers.

Welcome to the inspirational venue on Södermalm, Glashuset WY13 - where you can listen to the artists of the future - alongside more established artists and acts.

DNT RYE on You Tube:


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