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Awardees Child 10 2020
Awardees Child 10 2020

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Applied Value and Child 10 have decided to join forces in the fight against child trafficking

Applied Value and Child 10 have decided to join forces in the fight against child trafficking

Over a million children around the world are today victims of trafficking. Many of them have become untraceable for the official child protect systems, regularly being exploited, and left nowhere to be found. There is an urgent need for cross-national collaboration, durable solutions, and support to grassroots organizations working to protect children from trafficking. Throughout 2020 Child 10 and Applied Value will be working together in partnership to support and strengthen organizations combating trafficking and exploitation on the migration routes around the Mediterranean.

“Child trafficking concerns all of us and only by joining forces from different sectors can we create durable solutions. We are very happy and proud that Applied Value has chosen to support us, and the Child 10 network of organizations. Applied Value’s approach to strengthen management and increase impact and sustainability of organizations will be of great value for us and our network in the joint fight against child trafficking and exploitation.”, says Jacob Flärdh, Secretary General for Child 10.

The partnership will start during the first quarter of 2020 and continue for one year. Applied Value will provide direct support to selected organizations within the Child 10 group, working on the ground with children victims of trafficking and exploitation. The support for these organizations will focus on strengthening the management and sustainability to scale the impact of their work.

“Human trafficking is a heinous crime and the number of child victims has increased drastically during recent years. Most victims are trafficked for sexual exploitation – a reality sometimes too dark and too painful to even talk about. We are therefore immensely proud to be partnering with Child 10 and apply our business knowledge to support brave and bold organizations in the fight against child trafficking. Through this partnership, we reaffirm our commitment to contribute to a brighter and more human tomorrow.”, says Josefine Lindänge Gutman, Managing Director Social Investments at Applied Value.

About Child 10
Child 10 is a Swedish based international children’s rights organization working towards eradicating all forms of child trafficking. This by supporting grassroots organizations around the world working with children at risk of exploitation and trafficking.

Every year Child 10 selects and awards ten grassroots leaders from around the world for their brave and undue struggle to ensure the rights of the most vulnerable children and prevent the risk of child trafficking. The ten individuals are gathered for seminars and summits to increase their impact through joint actions and cross-national collaborations. They are also recognized with a financial grant and organizational support throughout the year.

For more information about Child10, please visit Child10.org.

About Applied Value
Applied Value offers management consulting services designed to enhance the value of clients’ enterprises. Today, with professionals in three offices around the world, Applied Value provides a comprehensive range of strategy and operations management services.

Applied Value has a three-pronged approach to business–combining management consulting, private equity, and social responsibility. With offices in the US, Europe, and Asia, Applied Value combines the in-depth expertise of a global advisor with the focus, attention, and flexibility of a boutique consulting firm.

For more information about Applied Value, please visit appliedvaluegroup.com




Hugo Stenbecks stiftelse stärker barns och ungas (upp till 25 år) rättigheter och möjligheter i Sverige samt förebygger och hindrar pågående kränkningar av samhällets mest utsatta barn och unga. Vi stöttar det civila samhället att driva och samverka, samt skapar egna initiativ för att uppnå systemförändring i hela samhället med fokus på att stärka barns inflytande och långsiktigt förbättra situationen för de mest utsatta barnen.


Sara Damber

Sara Damber

Presskontakt Verksamhetschef Hugo Stenbecks Stiftelse, ChildX, Youth 2030 Movement 070 762 00 28
Johanna Wilkens

Johanna Wilkens

Presskontakt Kommunikationsansvarig HSS och Youth 2030 Movement 0791023636

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