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#MNDAY: "Real people want real journeys”

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#MNDAY: "Real people want real journeys”

Vi publicerar mer och mer innehåll för varje dag som går. Men räcker det? Nej, vi måste också jobba hårt för att se till att skapa en smidig upplevelse för vår publik när de interagerar med innehållet. Hur gör man det? Pixie Sartang har svaret.

Biljetter: Köp biljetter till Malmö, Göteborg, Stockholm och Umeå!

Med en frän attityd på scenen har Pixie växt fram som en engagerande och omtyckt talare i Norden. Hennes praktiska approach ser till att publiken börjar tänka efter och det finns alltid något intressant att ta med sig hem.

Hon jobbar med digitala strategier och har en portfölj av företag i olika storlekar. I våras stod hon på scenen under Super Content Marketing och var topprankad bland besökarna. Pixie är en av två talare vars session kommer att vara på engelska. Intervjun kommer därmed att presenteras på engelska.

Your topic is named “Saving brands from themselves”. What will you cover during your time on stage and why have you decided to talk about this?
— It is very easy for brands to get caught up in themselves - organizations are complex, agendas compete and today’s communications ecosystem grows and changes almost daily. Brands have a tough job keeping up with everything, I feel their pain. But if you don’t step outside of the brand and into the world of the audience, you will never be able to build true brand affinity, loyalty and conversation.

— So saving brands from themselves is about reminding them, and sometimes gently pushing them to think outside-in. Get the right data, come up with good insights and know your audience’s journey. Make that journey smooth and put them in control - don’t fragment their experience.

— I chose this subject because although I work in marketing, I am also part of numerous audiences. We all are. I get as annoyed as the next person at content that interrupts my journey, frustrates me, bores me and is pure push. Brands owe it to their customers and audiences to not waste their time.

The theme of this year’s Mynewsday is to challenge - how do you challenge yourself?
— I think working in communications or marketing means you constantly have to challenge everything you do and the way you think. You can never stand still – which suits me just fine! If I'm not pushing boundaries and experimenting with my work then I won’t have impact, and I want to be a force to be reckoned with. Whether it’s redefining ‘traditional’ ways of thinking about our industry or transforming those models that have been around for years – we need to keep things fresh. I know that people say ‘If it isn’t broken, don’t fix it’ but to me, if it’s not broken then it hasn't really been used that much. It pays to be bold.

Whose talks are you most looking forward to and why?
— I’m excited to hear Emma Lindgren’s speech on employees being your future content agency. Having worked with some of the biggest brands in the Nordics I have seen first hand the passion and interesting stories their very own employees have to tell. Not many communicators unveil the potential there, so I am really looking forward to hearing about her experience and take-aways.

In your industry, what does the future of comms look like?
— It depends on your definition of communication. Right now, paid marketing is getting bigger budgets, but targeting and content quality (in relation to the right audience) remains low grade. In terms of owned and earned channels, we see traditional techniques being forced into new landscapes. Forget channels - start thinking touchpoints, experiences and journeys. And stop fragmenting your messages, your resources and your content. Have a plan and use your audience as the starting point.

— What I see is a lot of smaller agencies or freelancers quietly making a splash and pushing change, doing really great stuff but doing so in the background. Agility, and understanding of storytelling and audience experience are vital but general adoption is slow, especially among larger agencies and organisations.

— I see the future being focused on seamless omni-channel experiences with concrete brand storytelling and collaborations. Real people want real journeys.

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