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Do People Realise the Unimaginable Amounts of Electricity Needed to Power the Merchant Fleet?

Do People Realise the Unimaginable Amounts of Electricity Needed to Power the Merchant Fleet?

200 million tonnes of oil or diesel.
That's what the global merchant fleet uses every year to power its ships. In order to replace this with electricity, we would need some 5,500 terawatt-hours (TWh) each year. That corresponds to roughly 580,000 onshore wind turbines or 800 nuclear power plants. This data comes from Intertanko, which represents shipping lines in the tanker segment.
To put t

How Can the Swedish Transport Administration Launch a New Traffic Management System Right Before Christmas?

How Can the Swedish Transport Administration Launch a New Traffic Management System Right Before Christmas?

Bear with me, but I must express my amazement at the Transport Administration’s poor planning. Two weeks before Christmas, this government agency deems it necessary to switch to a completely new traffic management system. Again, two weeks before Sweden’s by far most complicated travel holiday.
How is this even possible?
Everyone knows that switching IT systems in almost any area can be a ver

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Trust and care. All the way.

NTEX är ett transport- och logistikföretag med cirka 1100 anställda och en omsättning på över 3 miljarder SEK. Huvudkontoret ligger i Göteborg och kontor finns även i Norge, Storbritannien, Tyskland, Frankrike, Polen, Österrike, Italien, Estland, Lettland och Litauen. Vi har också agenter i ett antal europeiska länder.
För ytterligare information: www.ntex.se


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41879 Göteborg