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Speakers at Employer Branding Talks #3: Oddwork's CX Manager Daniella Ravan, Women in Tech's President of the Board Malin Frithiofsson and Oddwork's CEO Poyan Karimi
Speakers at Employer Branding Talks #3: Oddwork's CX Manager Daniella Ravan, Women in Tech's President of the Board Malin Frithiofsson and Oddwork's CEO Poyan Karimi

Employer Brandings Talks #3: How to attract, recruit and retain female tech talent

Tid 2 Juni 2021 12:00 – 12:50

Plats Livestreamed online

Women-led startups received just 2,3% of the global venture capital funding in 2020. That’s a decrease from the year before. Haven't we come further?

In short – the tech industry is a notorious gentlemen's club where women hold merely 16% of engineering roles and 27% of computing roles while also being 45% more likely to leave tech roles.

Simultaneously, great individuals and organisations are working restlessly for change. We know from our front-of-the-line employer branding partners that one of the highest-ranking employer branding questions out there is: How do we need to change to attract, recruit and retain female tech talent in our organisations?

We are diving into the subject together with an expert. Welcome to the third edition of Employer Branding Talks on the 2nd of June, together with Oddwork and our fantastic guest Malin Frithiofsson – one of the most influential changemakers for women in tech in Europe who’ll give us hands-on tips on what we can do on our journeys for change.

Join the event to watch the live stream on the 2nd of June at 12:00 CEST!



Charles Sinclair

Charles Sinclair

Presskontakt Head of Employer Branding +46-704-220783

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Employer branding och rekrytering. Designat utifrån dagens talangmarknad.

Oddwork matchar talanger med företagskultur och hjälper företag och koncerner att utveckla sin employer branding. Vi är 30 medarbetare och finns på kontor i Göteborg, Stockholm och London.

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Kungsgatan 42
411 15 Göteborg