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Radon Action Month in coming to an end

💡If you did not know, the EPA has named January National Radon Action Month with support from the US Surgeon General.

☢️ Radon is a colorless and odorless radioactive gas that occurs from the naturally occurring breakdown of radium and uranium in our soil. It becomes trapped in harmful amounts inside our living and working structures. 

The only way to know the amount of radon gas in your home, school, or workplace is to test.

#radon #radongas #radonova #iaq #nram

Radon Action Month in coming to an end 💡If you did not know, the EPA has named January National Radon Action Month with support from the US Surgeon General. ☢️ Radon is a colorless and odorless radioactive gas that occurs from the naturally occurring breakdown of radium and uranium in our soil. It becomes trapped in harmful amounts inside our living and working structures. The only way to know the amount of radon gas in your home, school, or workplace is to test. #radon #radongas #radonova #iaq #nram

Radonova strengthens its presence in France with an office in La Rochelle! 🇫🇷

🤝 In recent years, the demand for reliable radon measurements has been high in France. Tougher legal requirements and a relatively neglected market have meant that Radonova has had the opportunity to build a network of local partners who need to meet the increased need for radon measurements. 

🏢 To take the next step and strengthen its presence further, Radonova has now opened an office in La Rochelle. Responsible for the office will be Thomas Chauvin, who has previously been responsible for Radonova's operations in France.

#radon #radongas #radonova #iaq

Radonova strengthens its presence in France with an office in La Rochelle! 🇫🇷 🤝 In recent years, the demand for reliable radon measurements has been high in France. Tougher legal requirements and a relatively neglected market have meant that Radonova has had the opportunity to build a network of local partners who need to meet the increased need for radon measurements. 🏢 To take the next step and strengthen its presence further, Radonova has now opened an office in La Rochelle. Responsible for the office will be Thomas Chauvin, who has previously been responsible for Radonova's operations in France. #radon #radongas #radonova #iaq

On October 1st, the season for radon measurement begins in Sweden!

🍂 It is indeed possible to measure the radon level throughout the year if you want an annual average value (which in most cases is a requirement) for your home or workplace, you must measure radon during the so-called heating season for at least two months. In Sweden, it runs between October 1st and April 30th. 

💡 It is generally during the period that properties are heated and windows and doors are closed. It creates a negative pressure in the house, which causes the radon level to rise as air is sucked in from the ground under the floor. Under these conditions, you get a high quality of the measurements and comparable figures.

Visit our website (link in bio) to order your radon detectors for the new measurement season!

#radon #radongas #radonova #iaq

On October 1st, the season for radon measurement begins in Sweden! 🍂 It is indeed possible to measure the radon level throughout the year if you want an annual average value (which in most cases is a requirement) for your home or workplace, you must measure radon during the so-called heating season for at least two months. In Sweden, it runs between October 1st and April 30th. 💡 It is generally during the period that properties are heated and windows and doors are closed. It creates a negative pressure in the house, which causes the radon level to rise as air is sucked in from the ground under the floor. Under these conditions, you get a high quality of the measurements and comparable figures. Visit our website (link in bio) to order your radon detectors for the new measurement season! #radon #radongas #radonova #iaq


Karl Nilsson

Karl Nilsson

Presskontakt VD Radonova Laboratories AB
Tryggve Rönnqvist

Tryggve Rönnqvist

Presskontakt Teknisk chef Radonova Laboratories AB

The Global Leader in Radon Measurement

Med kunder i 80 länder är Radonova världens ledande företag för mätning av radon i villor, flerbostadshus och på arbetsplatser. Med rötterna i universitets- och forskarvärlden erbjuder Radonova mycket avancerad utrustning för att analysera radon i inomhusluft. Radonmätningarna genomförs med hjälp av radondetektorer, instrument och trådlösa sensorer. Radonovas mätmetoder är ackrediterade av SWEDAC och företaget placerar sig genomgående mycket högt i krävande internationella jämförelsetester.

Säkrar en hälsosam inomhusmiljö
Genom att använda Radonovas detektorer och instrument kan privatpersoner, företag och andra verksamheter snabbt och säkert identifiera utrymmen med förhöjda radonhalter. Det gör att rätt åtgärder vid behov kan sättas in för att säkra en hälsosam inomhusmiljö med låga radonhalter. Med en fast installerad radonsensor går det även att kontrollera att radonhalterna håller sig under gällande gränsvärden (vilka kan variera mellan olika länder). Genom detta bidrar Radonovas verksamhet till en bättre folkhälsa och att färre människor riskerar att drabbas av lungcancer.

Om radon och lungcancer
Radon är den näst vanligaste orsaken till lungcancer (efter rökning). Globalt beräknas varje år cirka 230 000 människor drabbas av lungcancer, efter att de under en längre tid vistats i lokaler med förhöjda radonhalter. Lungcancer hos människor som aldrig har rökt ökar och är nu den sjunde vanligaste orsaken till cancerrelaterad död i världen.