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Pressmeddelande från The Brewers of Europe: A few beers a day can help keep the doctor away

Just nu pågår, för fjärde året, the European Beer & Health Symposium i Bryssel. Vänligen finn bifogat ett pressmeddelande från The Brewers of Europé. The 4th European Beer and Health Symposium is held on 4 May 2006; where the latest scientific findings on the role of responsible beer consumption in a healthy lifestyle will be presented. Med vänlig hälsning Cathrine Andersson gm Malin Svantesson Informationschef Svenska Bryggareföreningen Malin Svantesson Informatör/Assistent SVENSKA BRYGGAREFÖRENINGEN Direkttelefon: 08-5225 35 50 Mobil: 070-675 82 92 Fax: 08-5225 35 90 Postadress: Box 5115, 102 43 Stockholm Besöksadress: Grev Turegatan 9 www.sverigesbryggerier.se www.arton.nu www.lask.nu Svenska Bryggareföreningen är en intresseorganisation för Sveriges bryggerier samt läsk- och vattenfabrikanter. Vi arbetar med branschgemensamma frågor inom bl a öl, läsk, vatten, cider samt alkoholpolitik, förpackningsutveckling och statistik. A few beers a day can help keep the doctor away Medical conference reveals latest science on role of responsible beer drinking in a healthy lifestyle The health benefits of beer are the subject of a major European medical conference in Brussels today. Leading medical and scientific experts from around Europe are meeting to share the latest scientific evidence on the role responsible beer drinking can play in a healthy diet and lifestyle. While the wine story is well known, the positive role of beer is just emerging. Many of the health benefits of moderate beer drinking are unique to beer because of its ingredients such as hops and malted barley. Of all the alcoholic drinks on the market beer is also relatively low in alcoholic strength. "This medical conference stresses that new evidence is emerging around the alcohol and health story", said conference Chairman Professor Jonathan Powell of the Medical Research Council Human Nutrition Research in Cambridge. "The media and public tend to focus on wine. However, the emerging evidence is the real benefits are related to the alcohol itself and so the positive story also relates to other drinks such as beer. Drinks such as beer have other nutrients and properties that can also be beneficial in terms of health. This conference is about redressing the balance. “Another important aspect to the role of moderate drinking and health is that the benefits relate to many of the prime public health issues of today such as heart disease, osteoporosis, strokes, diabetes, cancer and Alzheimer’s disease.” The key medical evidence presented at today's conference includes research that shows moderate beer drinking: • Reduces the risk of heart disease • Helps keep blood pressure down and reduce the risk of stroke • Benefits the immune system meaning healthy adults are less prone to get infections • Has anti-inflammatory effects which contributes to heart health • Could play a role in the battle against osteoporosis as it Improves bone mineral density which contributes to healthy bones • Helps fight cancer because of compounds in hops called flavinoids • Decreases the risk of dementia due to its beneficial effect on preserving brain function in old age • Can protect against type II diabetes. The Brewers of Europe Rue Caroly, 23-25 B-1050 Brussels, Belgium T.V.A. : BE 428 031 108 Tel +32 2 551 18 10 Fax +32 2 660 94 02 info@brewersofeurope.org www.brewersofeurope.org The 4th European Beer & Health Symposium chaired by Professor Powell will hear a keynote speech by Mrs. Maria Rauch-Kallat, Austrian Federal Minister for Health and Women. The scientific presentations include: Professor Jonathan Powell from the UK will present the latest research on the role played by moderate beer consumption in promoting bone mineral density due to the natural silicon it contains. Professor Manfred Walzl from Graz University, Austria will reveal the latest scientific evidence linking moderate alcohol consumption with a reduction in the risk of developing dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Dr Jean-Michel Lecerf of the Pasteur Institute, France will present on the role of moderate beer drinking in healthy nutrition and the growing evidence that phenolic compounds from barley and hops which are unique to beer play a vital part in these benefits. Dr Norbert Frank from the German Cancer Research Centre in Heidelberg, Germany will examine the science surrounding the beneficial role of hop compounds in preventing cancer. Professor Arne Astrup of the Department of Human Nutrition, RVA University, Copenhagen, Denmark will present on the emerging evidence of the protective effect against metabolic syndrome and its link with body weight played by beer drinking. Dr Ramon Estruch of the Department of Internal Medicine-Alcohol Unit, University of Barcelona, Spain will present on the role of moderate consumption of fermented drinks in cardiovascular health Professor Ascension Marcos from the High Council of Scientific Research, Madrid, Spain will examine the role played by moderate beer consumption in boosting the immune system. Dr Henk Hendriks from TNO Nutrition and Food Research, Zeist, the Netherlands will present evidence on the way in which moderate drinking is associated with a reduced risk of diabetes mellitus type II. For more information contact: Rodolphe de Looz-Corswarem, info@brewersofeurope.org Professor Jonathan Powell is available for interview as are the other conference contributors Notes for editors The Brewers of Europe represent the national brewing associations from 22 countries. This symposium is the fourth such event hosted by The Brewers of Europe following similar updates of the scientific research in 1999, 2001 and 2003. The Brewers of Europe Rue Caroly, 23-25 B-1050 Brussels, Belgium T.V.A. : BE 428 031 108 Tel +32 2 551 18 10 Fax +32 2 660 94 02 info@brewersofeurope.org www.brewersofeurope.org To find out more about The Brewers of Europe activities and publications visit www.brewersofeurope.org The Brewers of Europe Rue Caroly, 23-25 B-1050 Brussels, Belgium T.V.A. : BE 428 031 108 Tel +32 2 551 18 10 Fax +32 2 660 94 02 info@brewersofeurope.org www.brewersofeurope.org



Erika Danckwardt-Lillieström

Erika Danckwardt-Lillieström

Presskontakt Vice vd Kommunikation & samhällskontakt 0709 83 95 63
Johanna Lagerman

Johanna Lagerman

Presskontakt Statistik, marknad & PR-ansvarig 070 550 66 29

Branschorganisation för Sveriges Bryggerier

Sveriges Bryggerier är Svenska Bryggareföreningen och vi har representerat den svenska bryggerinäringen sedan 1885. Våra medlemmar producerar öl, cider, läsk, vatten och andra bryggeriprodukter. Alla är verksamma i Sverige med fungerande bryggerier eller produktionsenheter.

Sveriges Bryggerier är medlem i EU-ländernas bryggeriorganisation The Brewers of Europe och i läskedrycksorganisationen UNESDA.