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Time for accreditation for Tosca

The unique production of the opera Tosca is being premiered on 13 June in Uppsala's historic quarter. Media representatives are invited to apply for accreditation by 1pm on 2 June at the latest.

There has been great public interest in Tosca, and tickets for the two performances on 13 and 14 June sold out in just twelve minutes.

Media representatives are invited to apply for accreditation for the premiere on Friday 13 June. There is a limited number of seats.

Applications will be received up to and including 1pm on Monday 2 June at presskontakt@uadm.uu.se. Any questions can be sent to the same address, or to Anneli Waara, press officer, on Tel. +46 (0)70-425 07 18.

Tosca will be performed with the city as its backdrop in Uppsala Cathedral (Act I), the Grand Auditorium of University Hall (Act II) and the Castle (Act III). Three of Sweden's top opera singers - Emma Vetter (Tosca), Michael Weinius (Cavaradossi) and Fredrik Zetterström (Scarpia) - will be taking part. Other participants are Uppsala University's Royal Academic Orchestra and several of the city's fantastic choirs. The opera will be directed by Wilhelm Carlsson and produced by Inger Friman.

For further information see www.tosca.uu.se


Elin Bäckström

Presskontakt Pressekreterare Forskning, utbildning, övergripande 070-425 09 83

Sandra Gunnarsson

Presskontakt Pressekreterare forskning, utbildning, övergripande 073-469 75 92

Linda Koffmar

Presskontakt biträdande presschef Forskning, utbildning, övergripande 018-471 1959


Presskontakt Kontorstid alla dagar 070-167 92 96

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Uppsala universitet - kvalitet, kunskap och kreativitet sedan 1477.

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Uppsala universitet

Segerstedthuset, Dag Hammarskjölds väg 7
752 36 Uppsala

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