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Verisec Delivers Strong Authentication Solution to EDB – Serbia’s Largest Power Distribution Company

Serbia’s largest Power Distribution Company, Elektrodistribucija Beograd (EDB), has chosen Verisec’s Freja Security Appliance to manage strong authentication for its employees and customers.

In Serbia, as well as in many other countries today, an increasing number of value services are being provided electronically. This progress has increased the need for IT security, and specifically for strong online authentication solutions. EDB has chosen Verisec’s Freja Security Appliance in order to manage strong authentication for its customers.

- When we expanded our range of services to support our customers, we needed a solution that could bolster the quality of identity claim verification. With Freja we can provide more services electronically, making our business more effective while at the same time enhancing our customer experience, says Goran Prelic, CIO at EDB.

EDB’s deployment of Freja serves as Verisec’s introduction to the Serbian market.

- The contract with EDB is Verisec’s first in Serbia where we see great potential. Serbia is an exciting market with several large national and regional IT infrastructure projects, where security often is a vital component, says Johan Henrikson, CEO at Verisec.


Freja is a complete solution for managing strong authentication for internal and external users. By basing Freja on open standards (OATH), strong authentication can be provided at a competitive price while maintaining high security. One way of obtaining strong authentication is to use two-factor authentication (2FA), which refers to a system where two factors are used together (such as a token and a PIN) in order to strengthen a proof of identity. Strong authentication using two factors is a system used by Internet banks, corporations and governments worldwide.

For more information, please contact:

Johan Henrikson


Mob  +46 733 45 89 02

Dir  +46 8 696 99 82

Tel +46 8 723 09 00

Fax  +46 8 723 09 10


About EDB

Elektrodistribucija Beograd (EDB) is a Power Distribution Company with over 1.700 employees, serving more than 735.000 customers/service points.

Relaterade länkar


  • Datasäkerhet


  • strong authentication
  • otp
  • oath
  • johan henrikson
  • verisec
  • 2fa
  • two-factor authentication
  • freja

About Verisec

Verisec AB is an international IT security company that provides innovative security solutions for banking, government and medium to large corporations worldwide. Through a combination of products and services, Verisec offers end-to-end solutions in order to secure digital identities and mitigate threats facing the digital world. The company was established in 2002 and has delivered products to more than 6 million users worldwide.


Johan Henrikson

Presskontakt CEO +46 733 45 89 02

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