Lipedema, obesity or normal fat legs? What do lipedema legs look like in Singaporeans?
Women with lipedema live with unbearable pain and invisible symptoms. We need to raise awareness so that those affected can receive proper care in Singapore.
Women with lipedema live with unbearable pain and invisible symptoms. We need to raise awareness so that those affected can receive proper care in Singapore.
Back rolls and bra bulge liposuction are an art. It is more than a fat removal surgery to achieve smooth back contour results for high patient satisfaction.
We're entering an undetectable era of cosmetic surgery where results are natural but astounding. But this is nothing new to Dr Ivan Puah. Here's how he does it.
The insurance company's evaluation, the patient's policy type & the clinical condition determine the coverage amount & whether gyno surgery will be covered.
Beer belly combines visceral and subcutaneous fat so there may be surgical limitations. Work closely with your doctor for the best male abdomen lipo result.
The steroid-induced sculpted ripped bodies come with a price – shrunken testicles, decreased sperm count, baldness, acne and even gynecomastia.
A botched Hi-Def Liposuction can impact the patient's well-being & mental health. Here are the common complications to look out for & what to do about it.
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