News -

'NHS Confederation Commission on improving dignity in care'

As a Dignity Champion and member of the Dignity Council, I am delighted to circulate the recent press release on behalf of the Council: 'NHS Confederation Commission on improving dignity in care'

The National Dignity Council welcomes the NHS Confederation Commission on improving dignity in care draft report and is working in collaboration with them to promote the recommendations for hospitals and care homes to help them tackle the underlying causes of undignified care. Dignity, kindness and compassion combined with knowledge and skill must be the foundations of care regardless of where it is delivered. These recommendations will be reassuring to older and vulnerable and their families.

Jill Fraser member of the Dignity Council said 'The National The Dignity Council is always keen to work with any organisation that promotes the need for dignified care for patients and their loved ones whether in the hospital or in the community. Adding to her comment Jan Burns, Chair of the Council said ‘I think that it is important that the Council uses its valuable resource to respond to this report. We will be rallying our network of 36,000 champions to respond to the recommendations of the Commission’s report to do what they do well, challenge poor care, be a role model of good practice and promote dignity at every opportunity. Amanda Waring Dignity Champion and member of the Council highlighted that ‘The exciting and vital challenge is the implementation of a long-term action plan alongside the commission's final report to provide the compassionate dignified care our Elders deserve."


Notes to editors - For further information please contact:

Jan Burns - Independent Chair of The National Dignity Council -07800807151

Jill Fraser - Spokesperson and member of The National Dignity Council Tel 01789 488018

Amanda Waring -  Spokesperson and member  of The National Dignity Council 

Tel 07970027744  or 01798865949  

What is a Dignity Champion?

A Dignity Champion is someone who believes passionately that being treated with dignity is a basic human right, not an optional extra. They believe that all care must be compassionate, person centred, as well as efficient, and are willing to do something to achieve this.  So far, over 36,000 people have signed up to be Dignity Champions, all pledging to challenge poor care, to act as good role models and, through specific guidelines issued by the campaign, to educate and inform all those working around them.

About The National Dignity Council   

Formerly known as The Dignity Partnership Board. It currently meets every two months to shape and influence the work of the Dignity in Care Network and to campaign and support Dignity Champions. The Council is made up of an enthusiastic group of representatives from various bodies including Health and Social Care organisations.


  • Health Care, Health Service


  • amanda waring
  • campaign
  • care homes
  • compassion
  • dignity
  • dignity care
  • elderly care
  • hospitals and health systems


Kylee Charles

Press contact PR Contact Managing relations with press and media on behalf of Amanda Waring 07816 946633

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