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Netflix is leading the way in company culture, declares Jump Manchester.

The millennial generations’ favourite brand Netflix is leading the way in terms of company culture, and Jump Manchester reveals how, and why.

Jump Manchester: About the firm

Jump Manchester has launched an investigation into the hottest brand of the moment, Netflix. The firm is eager to explore ways in which young professionals are fighting for a chance to work at the media provider.

A spokesperson for the company stated, “We know Generation Z and Millennials are fascinated with projects which allow them to tackle difficult challenges amongst peers, and this is a well-known motivator for top talent.”

In a recent workshop, the firm dissected how giant Netflix maintained its talent density. Jobseekers are well known to make employment choices surrounding informed cultural strategies and how closely they match their inner values and goals, so Netflix operates on a 3-core value model which is visible throughout their operations.

Challenge Everything: "Most of what we did was in the spirit of innovation and experimentation. [Netflix] evolved a new way of working through incremental adaptation: trying new things, making mistakes, beginning again, and seeing good results' - Patty McCord, former Chief Talent Officer at Netflix.

Jump Manchester is similarly passionate - their campaigns are cutting edge in the industry, and their teams are frequently called upon to brainstorm solutions and create new ideas for their clients’ campaigns.

Be a 'great company’: Viewing Netflix as a great company to be associated with changed how McCord viewed her work. McCord saw her job as ensuring people left Netflix with something they didn't have before, such as experience, meaningful contributions, or fulfilling work.

Jump Manchester is well known for their contribution to the entrepreneurial community, running free skills workshops and providing opportunities to attend industry-specific conferences and awards ceremonies as part of the company. Often those with the most active entrepreneurial skills will go on to business ownership, and join the thriving network of Jump Manchester.

Always seek talent: It was clear to anyone within Netflix that the talent pipeline was a critical element of the brand's success. Often McCord would be missing from meetings to interview potential new starts. Jump Manchester is committed to providing the best talent for their clients and sets aside budget for every month to guarantee they source talent and offer opportunities for anyone to take a leap of faith; gain experience, boost skills and accelerate their career with Jump Manchester.

Anyone looking to meet with the talent manager to find out about the culture of Jump Manchester should enquire through their website.



  • Business enterprise, General


  • jump manchester


  • Greater Manchester


PR Representative

Jump Manchester are a vibrant team of industry experts that have come together to create a diverse company of event marketing, sales acquisitions, promotions and innovative branding for high profile UK brands.


Stacey Kehoe

Press contact Communications director

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