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QQ New York: Travel expands the mind and opportunities

As one of their core values, QQ believe that Travel is an essential aspect for any entrepreneur looking to develop on a personal and professional level. The New York-based firm is urging entrepreneurs and aspiring professionals to take to the road to expand their mind and opportunities.

QQ: About the firm

With last year reportedly seeing a record-breaking 80 million American's traveling abroad, QQ have been investigating the benefits travel has in business.

1/ Networking

Getting out of the office and the usual routine provides the opportunity to meet and connect with different types of people. At QQ they stress the importance of forging a strong network to assist with business development. The experiential marketing experts urge their employees to capitalize on networking opportunities, and they believe that traveling can provide a great networking opportunity.

Travelling affords people the opportunity to forge relationships with people they wouldn’t usually encounter in their own environment. QQ argue that assembling a network of diverse individuals is critical for entrepreneurial success.

2/ Gain a new perspective

QQ believe that traveling provides the opportunity to interact with new people and hear different opinions. The New York-based firm contends that people can become a product of their environment and therefore it is essential to travel to gain a new perspective and expand horizons.

3/ Learning Opportunity

Committing to continued learning is critical to success and traveling is an excellent way for people to learn. QQ regularly runs business trips to allow their employees to spend time working with their business associates across the country. This provides employees with the chance to shadow how fellow professionals conduct their day-to-day operations and observe their strategies and methodology.

4/ Expand comfort zones

“The best results are achieved when people expand their comfort zones,” commented a QQ spokesperson. Traveling to new places forces people out of their comfort zone, and this has a positive impact on them professionally. “New experiences can be scary but once conquered, the benefits are significant,” commented a QQ spokesperson.

Travel is one of the firm's core values, and it is ingrained in their company culture and everything they do. QQ frequently run travel based incentives so their employees can network with top entrepreneurs from around the world, expand their knowledge, creativity and culture.

QQ is a New York-based firm with international expansion goals. They are innovative and cultured and enjoy expanding their expertise from inspirational figures from around the world.


  • Business enterprise, General


  • qq


Lewis Morton: President

(646) 741-1745

Through delivering your message face to face, we ensure that every ‘advert’ is unique to that person, that no two experiences will be the same. It means we can alter perceptions, interact, create something memorable and, most importantly, drive the audience to take action and become a customer of your product or service.


Stacey Kehoe

Press contact Communications director

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