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QQ share ultimate list of business travel hacks for entrepreneurs on the go

Both travel and time management are considered crucial components of any thriving entrepreneur’s professional life, and thus sales and marketing innovators QQ decided to hold a meeting this week to share their top time hacks for anyone who intends to travel for business.

QQ: About the firm.

The meeting began by QQ’s President Lewis Morton discussing the integral role travel plays in the business development of any entrepreneur, and how any ambitious professional must prepare themselves for the prospect of conducting business away from the comfort of their home country.

The firm, who believe they are set to transform their market’s traditional status quo, frequently offer and promote travel opportunities within the company, as they believe travel to be crucial for business development. Lewis Morton often travels around the globe as part of his role as QQ’s lead representative, and decided to put together the following list of his top 3 tips to assist with the time management of any businessperson traveling for business which he presented to his team this week.

1. Be Aware of Time Zone Changes

This is a classic mistake to make but it still does not make calling into a conference call late an acceptable thing to do. Forgetting about the difference in time zones can be complicated and while most online calendars or scheduling apps take this into consideration, it is worth always making a written note in your diary or calendar to avoid being late, missing a meeting or holding an associate up.

2. Remember to Set Aside Time

Keeping time open before or after any trip is a good habit to get into. Typically, there are lots of things to do in preparation for take off, both personal and professionally, so make sure time is assigned to completing all last-minute tasks. Do this by taking the day before and/or the day after you fly off work, if your schedule permits, or alternatively work from home so emails and phone calls can still be answered. While it may not always be possible to do this, try to set aside time before and after travel as this will have an immensely positive effect on the smooth sailing of your plans.

3. Take Note of V.I.D (Very Important Dates)

All productive and proactive businesspeople should own a monthly calendar or diary, and when traveling, it is a good idea to color-code or highlight important dates. Whether these are deadlines, speeches to be made, meetings to attend or travel days, assigning this event with a specific color helps avoid double booking or forgetting and is especially helpful if tired and jetlagged.

QQ New York’s team of creatives take clients’ brands to their audience, through direct person to person interactions. The firm pledge to not only ensure a brand is perceived positively but also evolve campaigns over time by utilising direct user feedback. QQ promise to grow brands in an organic way, ensuring that every ‘advert’ is unique to that person making no two experiences ever the same. By altering perceptions QQ are able to effectively interact with customers, creating memorable customer journeys and, most importantly, driving audiences to take action and become an official customer of the marketable service or product.



  • Business enterprise, General


  • qq


Lewis Morton: President

Phone: (646) 741-1745

Through delivering your message face to face, we ensure that every ‘advert’ is unique to that person, that no two experiences will be the same. It means we can alter perceptions, interact, create something memorable and, most importantly, drive the audience to take action and become a customer of your product or service.


Stacey Kehoe

Press contact Communications director

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