Press release -

QQ President shares top tips with aspiring UK entrepreneurs.

Last week saw QQ President return from an overseas trip, where he visited one of the UK’s fastest growing marketing agencies.


QQ is committed to developing young business minds in a bid to boost the economy and inspire success in entrepreneurship, stateside and in the UK. While visiting the UK on business, there was time to visit and mentor local entrepreneurs. During the visit, the objective was to meet with budding entrepreneurs to share advice and guidance. A growing business owner, their staff and contractors, were advised on what has worked for the US brand and how the systems could accelerate growth in the UK market. Travel and professional development is top of the agenda for QQ, on return, they bestowed their experience with company employees and explained why they will be pledging further resources to mentoring:

Advice – Sharing tips and advice can make a huge difference when critical decisions are needed. Mistakes in business can be costly and tapping into experience and knowledge can boost success.

Perspective – Taking an alternative viewpoint can offer new ideas and inspire creativity; industry breakthroughs often arise from achieving a different view.

Improving skills – Training can be costly to a small business. A mentor can assist and develop upskilling programmes or advise on ROI from specific training platforms.

Networking – Pairing up with a mentor will immediately increase a business network, and new opportunities can arise through association. Be sure to match values and ethics when selecting a mentor to endorse brand image as the relationship develops.

Long-lasting relationships – Fostering long-term relationships will increase employee’s access to knowledge and resources; additional guidance boosts business value and promotes loyalty to the business.

Confidence and encouragement – Self-assured entrepreneurs are more likely to secure a deal. Support boosts confidence and encouragement allows educated risks to flourish and create new opportunities in business.

QQ President was quoted in a recent interview, “I love visiting developing businesses and learning about their journey. Being able to create a positive impact on their growth is what motivates me the most. My recent trip to the UK meant I could see how similar businesses operate and though one to one mentoring and workshops I could offer advice on approaches we have found success with. I'm looking forward to returning and seeing how far the business has progressed.”

There are more travel dates lined up for 2018 where QQ are looking to expand their network and help businesses reach their potential.



  • Business enterprise, General


  • qq


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