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Scandinavian Biopharma and The European Commission’s Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority (HERA) has signed a joint procurement framework contract

Scandinavian Biopharma signs a joint procurement with EU commission to supply diphtheria antitoxin

Scandinavian Biopharma and The European Commission’s Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority (HERA) has signed a joint procurement framework contract for the supply of diphtheria antitoxin. This joint procurement will facilitate access to diphtheria antitoxin for the Member States and will ensure that those who need treatment are able to access it in a timely manner.

Scandinavian Biopharma gjorde viktiga forskningsframsteg, satte nytt försäljningsrekord och stärkte organisationen under 2021

Scandinavian Biopharma gjorde viktiga forskningsframsteg, satte nytt försäljningsrekord och stärkte organisationen under 2021

2021 var ytterligare ett framgångsrikt år för Scandinavian Biopharma. Bolaget tog viktiga steg för utvecklingen av ETEC-vaccinkandidaten och distributionsverksamheten slog nytt omsättningsrekord genom att nå 93,8 miljoner SEK. Bolaget fortsatte att växa organisatoriskt och utökade teamet inom både produktion, QC och QA, denna expansion krävde i sin tur att verksamheten behövde utökade lokaler.

Scandinavian Biopharma made important progress in research, set a new sales record and strengthened the organization in 2021

Scandinavian Biopharma made important progress in research, set a new sales record and strengthened the organization in 2021

2021 was another successful year for Scandinavian Biopharma. The company took important steps in the development of the ETEC vaccine candidate and the distribution business set a new sales record by reaching SEK 93.8 million. The company continued to grow organizationally and expanded the team in both production, QC and QA, this expansion in turn required the business to expand its office space.

Björn Sjöstrand, CEO and founder at Scandinavian Biopharma, has been named as one of the Entrepreneur Of The Year 2020 Stockholm Award finalists.

​EY Announces Scandinavian Biopharma CEO and founder, Björn Sjöstrand, as a Stockholm finalist for the prestigious 'Entrepreneur Of The Year' award

Björn Sjöstrand, CEO and founder at Scandinavian Biopharma, has been named as one of the Entrepreneur Of The Year 2020 Stockholm Award finalists. The Entrepreneur Of The Year is one of the world’s most prestigious business awards programs and honors entrepreneurial business leaders in more than 145 cities in over 60 countries around the world.

Sales distribution business 2011-2019

Scandinavian Biopharma is once again looking back on a very successful business year

The company was granted 10.6 MEUR from the EDCTP for a phase III trial of the ETEC vaccine candidate ETVAX® in children in Low- and Middle-Income Countries. Impressive clinical results from Phase I/II study in Bangladesh were published. A late phase African paediatric development program was initiated. The distribution business continued to grow, reaching new record of 84.1 MSEK (7.9 MEUR) 2019.

Visa mer

Vi är ett forskningsbaserat biotechföretag fast beslutna att ge människor i hela världen ett längre och bättre liv.

Vi utvecklar det första vaccinet i världen mot diarré orsakad av ETEC för att skydda både barn och vuxna i endemiska länder och resenärer till högriskdestinationer.

Vi distribuerar ett brett sortiment av biologiska specialistläkemedel med fokus på vacciner och immunglobuliner.


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Scandinavian biopharma

Industrivägen 1, vån 4
171 48 Solna